Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Every Citizen of USA MUST Responsibly Support and Defend Our Constitution

The SCOTUS' Dred Scott majority decision, in 1857, exposed the blatant unconstitutional prejudice of SCOTUS against the plaintiff's humanity and his concomitant Right to Freedom as a human being. BUT, their own justifications for denial of his Rights, their majority decision backhandedly AFFIRMED the constitutional Right of every Citizen to keep and to bear arms of her/his own choice anywhere in the USA, at will and uninfringed, at any time. In their denial of the plaintiff's Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness as a human, SCOTUS' Dred Scott decision fully acknowledged and accepted the literal language and intended scope of the US Constitution's Second Amendment, thereby proving that literal historical interpretation, analysis, and application of the Second Amendment, today, is in line with the full historicity and fullest intended practices set forth by the Framers of and Signatories to the US Bill of Rights. 

Every several State in these United States of America has been required to agree to, conform to, and subscribe its Representative Hand to our US Constitution and ALL Amendments in existence at the time of that State's acceptance and admission into these United States of America. The incorporation thereof and thereby, of those joined participant States, by definition of said Constitution and its Amendments, signified agreement among those States to accept, support, and defend all of the resultant Constitution, not just selected parts thereof.

Given the constitutional foundation upon which the USA is built and our Constitution's original common sense literal language, there should be no wrangling among We the People, or within our Legislatures or Judiciary, over the language or intents of our Constitution or our Bill of Rights: what our Constitution and its Amendments say about the conduct of our Citizens and the limitations and governance thereof, we should do, without infringing on each other and without the government oppressing We the People, for our Constitution and Bill of Rights was written and co-signed to set every Citizen free from oppression, free from contention, and as The Common Standard to adjudicate all matters of contention.

Therefore, any abridgements of the language, tenets, common sense intents, and principles stated in our Constitution are, by definition, unconstitutional and to be defeated by our Citizens' fullest defense of our Constitution. This last summation derives from the plain language of our Constitution, Itself, and is the duty of every Citizen of these United States of America. 

Without willingness to abide by the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, and without willingness to act as constitutional Citizens, how then can we claim any Rights stated therein? Only those who truly support and defend our whole Constitution and Bill of Rights prove, by their actions, their allegiance thereto. Those who claim Citizenship based only on birth, desires, preferences, social status, or finances, without actually performing and enduring the Responsibilities of Citizenship prove themselves to be pretenders and hypocrites, by their unwillingness to support and defend our literal Constitution and Bill of Rights. 

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