Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Media, Blue Horizons' Launch, Life Forms In Space, and Killing Unborn Babies

 It is with great sorrow and concern for humanity that I listen to the pop media banter about Blue Horizon's successful launch and return of their human payload this morning. Not only is civilian incursion into space being discussed, but also a more energetic exploration for life forms in space. One commentator passingly touched on defining life forms. Humanity is drunk with self-defined success and dreams of what we can do and where we can go. 

By contrast, here is God's definition of success, a word that He only uses once in His written Word.

Joshua 1:8
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

We are increasingly pushing God away and seeking our own secular humanistic way of doing things, because we do not wish to be accountable to the Self-existent One who created us. We lust for freedom as long as it is for us and without responsibility. But, we need to acknowledge who made "all this".

Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 

Psalm 121:2
My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.

Yet, humanity is chasing its own philosophies and religions, including self-worship, while refusing to give credit to our Creator. Just as we reject God Almighty and choose our self-centered ways, humanity dreams and seeks arduously for life forms and intelligence in space, willing to call anything 'life' that titillates our fantacy and fancy. \

As we egregiously abhor and attack the very life that God gives to us here on Earth, we butcher tens of millions upon tens of millions of unborn babies right here in the USA, without even counting how many around the world. We refuse to acknowledge that God says life is sacred and begins with conception. 

Isaiah 49:5
5  And now, saith the LORD that formed me from the womb to be his servant, to bring Jacob again to him, Though Israel be not gathered, yet shall I be glorious in the eyes of the LORD, and my God shall be my strength.

Jeremiah 1:5
5  Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

We deceive ourselves into allowing women to slay their unborn young, all for convenience and/or health of the mother, without regard for consequences, temporal or eternal. We don't want to believe that we are accountable to anyone for our murder of these children.

How is it that humanity has grown so selfish and cold that we are willing to call hints of space viruses or bacteria life, but we reject and murder the growing life inside a mother's womb? Those growing unborn babies are unique and distinct living entities separate from the mother's biology. The womb is separate from the child's umbilical system that interfaces with the mother, but the interlaced tendrils of the womb and placenta are still two separate systems, though they interchange nutrients, oxygen, and wastes. To say that a babe in the womb is part of the mother is like saying that an astronaut is part of a spaceship. Both examples contain pairs of distinct entities with distinctly different systems.

We call ourselves civilized, but we idolize self, money, convenience, lust, greed, fear, doubt,  adventure, and we collectively choose to try to exist without the one and only real God who made all of Creation. Our modern societies are no different from any pagan culture that ever did the same things. The old religions used to sacrifice their children to wood, stone, or metal idols. We do the very same thing, but claim that ideas and convenience are not idols. You be the judge of that, now, for God shall judge us all for it. 

Our technologies do not make us better people, for we commit the same sins that have always been committed since Adam and Eve. What our technologies do is make it easier for us to deceive ourselves about who we really are and what we are really like. We worship our technologies and allow ourselves to feel good about ourselves when we should be repenting of our sinful practices and our rebellion against God Almighty.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Did They Die By Fire or By Flood?

I've been watching numerous YouTube videos about the ideas, hypotheses, and research of Dr. Mary Schweitzer regarding soft tissue evidence she's found in multiple dinosaur bones from different geological sites in different countries; also, Dr. Steve Austin's theories, research, and observations about cataclysmic events and geological change, deposition, erosion, and fossilization (his hypotheses being confirmed by the explosion of Mt. St. Helens and the aftermath thereof). 

For over a hundred years, popular Darwinian and geological gradualism (developed by Hutton and refined by Lyell) had posited that rock layers supposedly proved the age of the fossils contained in those rock layers, and conversely, that the fossils supposedly proved the age of the rocks containing the fossils. Those gradualistic rationales form a circular conundrum that flies in the face of geological and paleontological evidences, because the fossil-strata interrelationships, within respective geological columns, vary greatly from one location to another around the Earth, as if different masons were mixing cement with differing techniques on different parts of the same job site. The differences in the mixtures of various strata point to differences in rates of mixing and different proportions of water to dry material being combined. Austin speaks of that in particular with regard to mudslide consistency, deposition, and erosion, during and after the 20th century Mt. St. Helens catastrophe.

Besides evolutionary and gradualistic conflict with God's biblical record of history, some evolution-oriented researchers have come to recognize the conflicts within gradualistic paradigms and hypotheses. Those observant enough to notice such ideological and scientific conflicts have shifted their attention, hypotheses, and research to a more cataclysmic view of geological and paleontological events, to try to explain the disappearance of dinosaurs, the carving out of things like the Grand Canyon, the rapid growth of mountain ranges, and the worldwide flood of which the Bible speaks. Often their ideas are based more on what-ifs, doubts, and maybe, instead of sticking to observable scientific facts.

The extinction of dinosaurs is a popular topic in certain circles. A great cataclysm or series of cataclysms (such as asteroid bombardment of the Earth) have increasingly replaced the gradualistic paradigm as the cause of dinosaur extinction, but still most evolutionary-minded scientists still fight the idea of God's testimony of a worldwide flood. The great failure of the bombardment cataclysm hypothesis is that most popularized fossils that are trotted out for the public are not severely damaged fragments but whole or partial skeletal remains. On those fossils, there is no evidence of widespread explosive or fiery damage to the masses of fossils found. On the contrary, soft tissue within fossilized bones, as well as, fossilized imprints of delicate tissues of small creatures are not charred, nor deformed beyond recognition by external forces. Instead, the fossils are entrapped in sedentary rock that was once water-borne mud or sand, as evidenced by the fact that said fossils retain exquisite, easily recognizable detail with which even lay observers of the fossils might identify creatures of particular types of animals, insects, or fish, etc. This last fact of paleontological preservation strongly supports a rapid watery burial with sedimentary entrapment of the creatures, as opposed to asteroid-precipitated or fiery cataclysms that are so popularly cited in movies, nature shows, and museums, today.

Well-preserved delicate soft tissue and soft tissue within bony fossils of large, medium, and minute creatures are all found within sedimentary rock layers around the world. Worldwide watery burial agrees with God's biblical record, that many call Noah's Flood. There are hundreds of cultural flood stories that branched across the world. Those resulted from the dispersal of the descendants of Noah, his wife, their three sons and the sons' wives (eight people who multiplied into the different cultures, languages, and nations, out of the biological genetic diversity that was in Noah's family). Despite some detail differences among those cross-cultural flood stories, the commonality is that they all speak of a totally destructive worldwide flood from which a new start began. That basic commonality agrees with God's record of Noah's family's survival. God said that He would make a short work of this Creation, not billions or millions of years. Jesus said that the last days were already starting when He walked this Earth during His ministry leading up to His crucifixion and resurrection.

Those who reject the worldwide flood often reject God's Authority and His claim that He holds His Word in higher esteem than His Name. If we do not or cannot trust God's Word as He gave it to humanity to write down, then we have no hope of anything. That kind of hopeless existence is what Satan relies on to break the spirit of humanity and destroy our hope of a true relationship with God Almighty and God's Christ, despite God's promise that His Christ came to set us free from our burden of sin. If we follow Satan's spirit of doubt, and live by, "Yea, hath God said?", then we shall eternally suffer as Satan and his minions shall suffer in pain, loneliness, and darkness. That suffering is NOT what God wants for humanity. Therefore, Jesus came in a human body as sinless the Christ of God, to live sinlessly, to take our sin upon Himself, to shed His perfect blood and die in our place, then  to rise from the dead on the third day, exactly as He promised in both the Old and New Testaments. He did that to give us eternal life with Him, IF we are willing to humble ourselves, repent of our sin, call sin what God calls it, and receive by faith the risen Christ of God into our lives. He promises to save all who will do this and call upon Him. He promises to never leave nor forsake us, because we have stepped from unholy sin and darkness into God's light of redemption that only He can guarantee because He comes into us to dwell within, "...Christ in you, the hope of glory." That is not religion nor can religiosity acquire that for you, "...it is the gift of God, lest any man should boast."

God bless you to choose God's Word and God's Christ. Always test and prove all things in life by His Word. Don't try to mold God into your image or to manipulate Him to do what you wish he'd do to let you get away with your sin. He is not a toy nor a magic lantern to be rubbed at our whim. Jesus said, "Ye must be born again.", and that by the Holy Spirit of the Self-existent Eternal God of Creation, not by the works of the law nor the works of man. 

I pray that you turn away from your own ways and the ways of the world, and rather that you choose God and His ways to save you. Let Him live and work in your life.