Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Cancer Testifies Against Evolution

Recently, I was reading through a list of cancer research projects that have been and are being done around the USA, especially those relating to children. As I read the details of the various research projects and how the cancers affect the people, it became obvious that cancer is one of those anti-evolution road signs that God puts in our path to wake us up to His Creation and the bounds that He puts on wholesome genetic development and creature adaptations. 

Without looking up the specific reference in his "Origin of Species", I recall reading where Darwin had posited, in discussing his idea of gradualistic evolution, that IF his premise of genetic evolution were to be scientifically plausible according to his own speculatation, then researchers should see millions of successfully advancing micro advances in any given species and that those advances should utterly litter the ground around us, from year to year and eon to eon. But, no one ever finds that kind of trail of gradualistic advances in the adaptations of any species. What researchers have found instead are millions upon millions of cancerous genetic alterations that are fatal to normal development, not just in humans but across all major living organisms, i.e. virtually all mutations are fatal mutations. That degree of degradation and fatality is not genetic evolution, but rather it is the degradation of what was the higher echelon, more resilient previous standard of genetic programming. Each fatal mutation is fatal because of the organism's genetic inability to change beyond a certain predetermined configuration of its genetic coding. Every species has its own preset adaptation and life span range as set by our Creator. Modern science is finally starting to recognize this truth.

Those interested in such topics can find real scientists doing real research at the Creation Research Society and other similar groups that don't try to kick God out of His own Creation. Those interested in learning more about God and His plan is salvation can find great joy and solace in this link. 

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Are US Citizens Really Concerned About People Being Killed?

There are numerous organizations in the USA that continue ongoing efforts to collect money, create programs, and obtain political influence to mitigate human suffering and death. That's all well and good, on the surface. However, as we participate in such things we need to ask ourselves whether our aspirations and motivations for our participation in such groups are consistent, before God and as members of society, especially as we engage with various groups with varying focuses.

Among the generally well-intended efforts, some groups hypocritically claim to be fearful of and against human deaths that are caused by the abuses, violence, and deaths caused by some murderers having used  firearms, despite many of the same group members of the supposedly public-safety minded projects, also, working and contributing, elsewhere, to promote high volume death of human babies, via their other groups' support of death by abortions. Though they seek to stop a small amount of killing by murders using firearms, yet, they advocate for the multi-million dollar business of death by abortion, with deaths by abortion reaping about fifty-six times more deaths among innocent souls than do firearms-related murders in the USA. The same people's contradictory claims about their professed concern for human life, in those two areas, make no sense, other than that they have severely conflicting ideas about who gets to live or die. 

One cannot righteously claim to be doing good or intent on doing good when one only wants to protect a small number of innocent lives against murder committed with firearms but then one actively supports and has no difficulty allowing the destruction of 56 times as many innocent unborn lives by way of abortion. 

I recommend that one read our U.S. Bill of Rights and the Bible, to see that a person, a child, a baby, and human life itself are more than some lump of chemicals that pop out of the womb at birthing. A review of basic biology also helps us to understand that babies are genetically and physically separate living entities within their mothers from the moment of conception, and that a baby's placenta is of the same genetic makeup was the baby, to supply the child its needs and protect the child from its mother's immune system. For those who want to discuss these topics honestly, here, also, is a link for relatively current FBI stats about the types of weapons used in murders, and here is a link about the numbers of and trends in abortions in the USA

What should shock and call to action every citizen of these United States of America is that while there are about 10,000 to 12,000 annual firearms-related murders, in recent years, and although abortion numbers are generally trending downward nationwide, there are, yet, more than 620,000 abortions, annually: women of the USA have still been choosing to kill more than 620,00 of their own unborn babies every year. May God have mercy on them for having destroyed their children. There is a little progress, seeinga how women used to kill more than a million of their unborn babies every year. But, for now, by comparing recent annual numbers, if we divide the approximately 620,000 abortion-killed babies by the approximately 11,000 firearms-related murders of people of all ages, we should see that, for each person murdered with any kind of firearm, there are about 56 times more innocent babies executed via abortion. This is a national horror and disgrace, that our medical "helping professions"  poison and butcher so many hundreds of thousands of our innocent helpless babies every year: remember that ratio of 56 to 1. Annually, by our tolerance, acceptance, or encouragement of the premeditated deliberate murders of innocent unborn babies, we utterly disgrace ourselves, and we cannot, nor shall we, justify such slaughter socially, morally, or spiritually before God. As a nation, we need to repent of murdering more than 600,000 of our own unborn children every year, and we cannot afford to keep practicing this murderous behavior, for by the destruction of our unborn children we destroy our future. 

If and when people who hate firearms-related deaths shall have helped to reduce the ratio of those 620,000 abortions, from 56 to 1 ratio to a 1 to 1 level, compared to the 10,000 to 12,000 annual firearms-related murders, then and only then shall they have a morally legitimate voice in speaking against murders by firearm abuse. 

Here are some precious info links, if you're serious about helping our Nation return to God's only true Word and to seek God's only plan of salvation for all humanity. God bless you as you walk with Him.