Sunday, December 12, 2021

God's Call. God's love. God's Salvation.

God shows us all the things that the wisest man ever did. King Solomon tried it all and made one lasting conclusion in his life, as you'll see when you read through to the end of what Solomon wrote in Ecclestiastes.

Then, in John, God shows us who our Creator, Lord, and Savior is, and how immense and eternal His love for us, as well as the great price He paid to redeem us, if we would simply turn to Him in repentance and faith.

Thirdly, in Romans, we are shown, by God, the depravity of humanity, the plan of how God wants to save us when we repent and trust His Savior, and then, how we can live in harmony with the Self-existent God of all Creation.

For more information about the Person of the God of all things, click here.

For more information about God's plan of salvation, click here.

Come, join me. Learn to walk in God's eternal life, for we must choose it here, before we die. Godly Life starts now, not later. No one can do it for us and we get no second chance once this life is over. Neither can anyone buy or pray us out of the choice that we shall have made for ourselves and our eternal destiny.