Monday, December 22, 2014

MRAPs, Deputies, Politics, and Our Constitution

There is much going on in our Nation, today, to polarize and demoralize U.S. citizens, including the issue of MRAPs in local police departments. The real question is whether or not we shall choose the right path, to do right, as individuals, despite the modernistic relativism that plagues our society. Are we going to abide by moral and social absolutes to do what is right? Or shall we cave in to fear, worldly power, convenience, or popularity? Shall we allow fear-mongers or elitists to pit us against one another, so that they can divide and conquer us to suit their own desires and ambitions? In opposition to destructive worldly influences, we MUST cling to our Foundations, as President Kennedy is seen saying in the third video below (time-stamp 22:18).

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Citizens of America, WAKE UP!!

We, the People of our nation need to WAKE UP to the kind of life to which our Constitution calls us. Stop the political name calling and trite social aphorisms. Internet jokes, whining, and blame setting will NOT fix our Nation. Many, if not most, of We, the People, have become fearful, immoral, and lazy, in body, mind, and spirit. In his Gettysburg Address, Lincoln, hopefully posited, "that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." Our Civil War, or War of Northern Aggression, was NOT won by General George B. McClellan, as he was not a man willing to risk assertiveness on the battlefield. Oh, he could dress up an army and make it drill efficiently, but he was timid and retiring when it came to the battlefield. 

Friday, December 19, 2014

What Is Christian Humility?

Contrary to our human nature of self-interest, somewhere between self-love and self-loathing there is a balance point called humility. When we experience it, and even learn to live there, it is not that we try to think less of ourselves, but rather that we go beyond considering or dwelling on ourselves. In that place, we almost reflexively focus our attention on God, or on other people's needs, without considering ourselves. Like courage, which is doing what is right and needful despite the considerations of fear or risk to self, humility pushes us out of our natural self-protective inclinations.

A Semi-Parable About Ownership of Our Lives

A Parable About Our Lives

By Craig M. Szwed
Make believe that you're born into a farm community, which is your only means of survival. Think of your life and body, beginning at birth, as being loaned to you as a new, very costly, complicated, but relatively efficient piece of farm equipment, something that you definitely

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Modern 'Santa Claus' Attacks Christ of Christmas; Attacks God's Plan for Children!

Am I really the only person troubled by what Christmas has become, in practice, for what seems to be most people in our commercialized, industrialized culture, in the USA. Through all the advertising, secular displays, "I want" conversations, children with hyper-sensitive expectations of 'santa claus', and all the fantasy list making, I hear relatively few souls publicly or privately practicing or exercising biblical reasoning for this celebration. In practice, our culture seems to think that Jesus Christ is just another name tacked onto a religious holiday. Do people really think that they have the ability to assign the fantasy 'santa claus' many of the powers of God and Jesus Christ, teach their children all that, and somehow it will be OK with God to elevate 'santa claus' ideas and excitement over the importance of Christ? Over the last 30 years, I've seen that tendency and attitude even among some self-proclaimed Bible-believing churches and their members, when they divide their Christmas loyalties between Christ and "santa claus", paying lip service to Jesus at church while doing a full-blown 'santa' & reindeer decoration and deception, as some attempt to fool their children into thinking that some god-like mystical being is secretly looking and listening to the child's every move and wish, or because they are afraid of social ostracism if they reject the 'santa claus' myth to stand wholly in support of Jesus Christ.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Yes, They Make Mistakes... BUT, Do NOT Abandon Israel.

For eons, tribe after tribe, nation after nation, prejudice after prejudice are continuing to assault Israel, the man, the tribe, and the nation. God pronounced a particular blessing and curse on anyone or anything that associates itself with Israel (the children of Abraham), whether to align in friendship, to trifle with them out of meanness, or to engage as mortal enemies in battle. We all need to be mindful and careful of how we think, pray, speak, and act with regard to Abraham's descendents who are God's chosen people, the Jews, Israel, for we shall either bring God's blessings upon us for befriending Israel, or we shall bring God's curses and destruction upon us. The choice is ours.