Saturday, May 11, 2024

Climate Change Activists Cannot Legislate Against Natural Phenomena, BUT There IS HOPE

 Way too many people have bought into the modern idea that humanity is responsible for the temperature of the Earth rising and melting the ice caps. First, let's consider that, from a purely scientific perspective, WE do NOT control the core of the Earth; WE do NOT control volcanos; WE do NOT control earthquakes; WE do NOT control solar activity, either. As I write this, a major string of solar storms has been bombarding and continues to bombard the Earth, this week, and these are giving us the most dramatic series of aurora displays in recent years. Dr. Tamitha Skov discusses the magnitude of this solar activity on YouTube (she's known as the "space weather woman").

The correct assessment of the current solar activity is that, although humanity does do a lot of nasty stuff to parts of the surface of our planet and to each other, we, humans, CANNOT affect the sun nor the core of the Earth. Why? because the massive power in those things is so far beyond all our industry and weaponry that we should blush in shame to even imagine that we might have the slightest impact on stopping earthquakes or solar storms. Even the power of this one series of solar storms surpasses all human energy expenditure and warfare throughout all human experience. WE are NOT in control. God designed every bit of His Creation and He empowers every bit of His Creation.

Those who have fallen for the unscientific philosophy behind the climate-change panic fail to acknowledge the origin of all the carbon-based fossil fuels buried in the Earth came from living organisms, whether formerly living plant carbon, animal carbon, or both. Each and every one of those enormous and vastly spread deposits and reservoirs of oil, coal, and gas were all individual living plants, animals, or other carbon-based organisms at one time, those same that now buried across what are now described as the Arctic, sub-Arctic, temperate, sub-Antarctic, and Antarctic areas of our planet (even under the depths of permafrost). 

BUT... why aren't scientists and climate-concerned people asking HOW those fossil fuels got so far underneath all the frozen parts of our planet, in the first place? The physical entrapment of such widely spread huge carbon deposits and reservoirs had to happen via cataclysmic events, in order to encapsulate them into such enormous reserves. IF... they had died gradually over time, they would NOT have been congregated into those huge stores. 

By the natural living mechanisms operating on the surface of the Earth, all or most of those dead/dying formerly living carbon-based things would have been recycled into the surface environment of the Earth, because that is how and where the living entities of our living biome recapture and recycle dead carbon-based materials. Fossils do NOT fossilize unless the right conditions are met, in nature. Dead carbon-based tissue does NOT naturally get buried unless some disaster or cataclysm befalls the plant, creature, or dead carbon-based tissue and buries it where the biome of the Earth cannot break down all of its biomass and reincorporate it into the living entities on the surface of the Earth. Just as the superheated chemical solutions that are spewing from sub-oceanic volcanic chimneys are fed upon and converted into living tissue by carbon-based microscopic life, and those are eaten by other predators, the result of human liberation of fossil-fuel carbon is not simply a matter of polluting our environment, but when viewed in its environmental whole, we see that carbon is recaptured by living organisms of the Earth's biome and recycled into new living tissue. God does NOT waste anything, similar to the scientific principle of "conservation of energy".

In order for all the Arctic, sub-permafrost, and Antarctic fossil fuels to exist, there had to have been VAST living biomes and HUGE concentrations of biomass that were trapped under the Earth by cataclysm. THAT means that all that living biomass existed in a living creature-friendly and greenery-friendly environment that was WARM enough for vast jungle-like or tropic-like carbon-embedding within the biome of the Earth at that time of cataclysm. All that carbon mass was alive and thriving, before the cataclysm. Today, wherever there are plant-rich environments, like the lawns and yards that people spend so much time and money cutting back in wealthy neighborhoods and countries, that living carbon buildup that has to be cut back proves that there is no fossil fuel being made out in the open air, but that the dead tissues that were cut (if not removed mechanically) are naturally recycled into the yard environments. 

Given the fact that fossil fuel deposits exist 'all over' the globe and that those deposits had to derive from living carbon-based things, then, we are logically and scientifically forced to recognize and accept that there had to be NO GLACIERS and NO PERMAFROST anywhere on Earth while all that biomass was alive. Given the forces of nature, and those facts just mentioned, we are scientifically and logically forced to the conclusion that the weather is naturally heading back in the direction of temperatures that originally existed prior to the cataclysm that entrapped the carbon-based tissues that became fossil fuel, AND we must conclude that the power of humanity is NOT at all comparable to the forces of the natural world or its laws that God created. Yet, people keep trying to tell God that He made mistakes or trying to tell Him how warm the world should be and whether we ought to have ice sheets and glaciers or not, or how high the oceans should or should not be. That human tendency is arrogant and vain.

Today, the international and legislative hue and panicked "oh-so" virtuous cries are for preservation of the Earth's temperature within some narrow band that people like, prefer, or want to control, to preserve human life everywhere on Earth, or preserve their profit-margin. BUT, that whole save-the-climate desire and philosophy is based on the fallacy that we somehow might gain control over the weather: THAT weather-control mandate is vain and BAD SCIENCE. 

Yes, humanity has burned carbon and that has had some impact on our environs, but so does the heat made with nuclear power, or electrical power derived from solar panels, water power, biomass, wind power! Heat energy, cooling energy (which requires heat energy), and industrially or domestically applied energy are always generated or converted from one storage form to another, and the center of the Earth and the Sun are both pouring out far more energy and heat than if we set off every nuclear device that humanity has ever made. [Almost no one, especially in climate-panic circles, is talking about the consequences and effects of harvesting, mining, processing, transporting, recycling, storing, or disposing of the raw, intermediate, or terminal products or processes, that are alleged to be so environmentally friendly.] 

Though we are often eager to try to force others to do what we want them to do, for our own mental or physical comfort, or to ease our sense of guilt about something, yet, we humans do not control our own garbage or our own behaviors very well. How, then, are we going to control weather? How are we to control magma from the Earth's core? Who is so arrogant to think that he/she can control solar flares? We, who fight about whether to allow responsible free speech among ourselves, who do we think we are that we want to make ourselves into false gods to try to humanly control the natural cycle of warming and cooling that God has instituted for this world? No one on Earth was able to stop the Ice Ages that came after the cataclysm that buried all the fossil fuels that lie beneath our feet.

People need to stop worrying and trying to force God's natural Creation to conform to our own fears or desires. All human angst, greed, lust, legislation, or virtue-signaling is NOT going to stop this world from warming up. Anyone who has honestly read all of God's Bible knows that God said it is going to happen... and that one day He is going to torch all of Creation, not just the Earth. In 2024, we have a shaking, quaking, burning, erupting, sliding, sinking, drowning, world at economic, spiritual, military, and social war with itself, and Jesus warned that would come upon us. Jesus Christ, Himself, also said that many natural wonders and disasters would happen just before The  Great Tribulation that comes in the seven years just before He returns as The Messiah, King of kings and Lord of lords, to put an end to all corrupt human government on Earth. When He sits on the temple throne in Jerusalem, He shall rule the whole world with a rod of iron for 1,000 years, and then He shall hold His eternal Final Judgement... it's all there in God's Bible, if you want to learn and be delivered by His Truth. That climate-panic stuff is nothing, compared to what is about to happen in this world.

Some will choose to ignore these things, but those who heed God's Bible and choose God's salvation shall have chosen Life eternal and Joy eternal. May God help you to choose to be among those who seek God's historical and biblical Truth, for that alone can set each of us free from our sin and the debt that we all owe God, but, we can only receive the gift of God IF we repent of our sin and trust His Savior.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Hitler Rose to Power Because People Didn't Resist Evil, and No One Stopping Illegal Immigration

We are getting SO close to the USA collapsing, and almost no one wants to admit it.

No wonder Biden has been enjoying all the attention against Trump. No wonder the Elitists and Leftists try to do their slimy work in the shadows, while they twist the truth and work to subjugate the majority of any US citizens who will blindly nod their heads to the rhythm of the pop evening news. 

Current events are sadly and closely resembling the days and years when Hitler rose to power, when the citizens of Austria and Germany (and most of the rest of the world) only heard what they wanted to hear. Most people stopped their ears around the globe to the evils of orchestrated violence and power-lust. Most people closed their eyes and minds to dictatorial government that subjugated citizens by eliminating citizens' personal weapons, freedom of speech, freedom of press,  and opposition party candidates. People ignored all that and then they further ignored the disappearance of the Jews that were carted off to concentrations camps and incinerators. Dictators have always sought to eliminate anyone by whom the dictators felt threatened, whether there was intent on the part of the citizenry or not. Rising dictatorial powers find it convenient to have 'special groups' against whom they can rant. They love to have those certain ones whom their power-lust can quickly and conveniently designate as undesirable, to satisfy their own fantasy  about some dreamworld they think to build; for which they were willing to sacrifice the rest of humanity. 

In our present time, in the USA, we see the DOJ, FBI, CIA, HSA, and other government agencies (even our courts system) weaponized against our own citizens. Furthermore, we see our Federal Government refusing to limit illegal immigration. It refuses to secure our borders via a metered logical process. Instead, the Biden-Harris Administration has given us the insanity of a full-scale invasion of illegal immigrants, many of whom we have no clue who they really are or what their motivations for coming to our Nation. Our own government has forced these illegals upon communities across our Nation. This is NOT the metered responsible immigration of many or most of our ancestors. No matter what our color or immigration background, we are all being severely impacted by illegal immigration. We the People are being picked off by illegals in our homes and on the streets. Our People are being killed by the thousands by their drugs. Foreign powers are colluding to import their agents into our lives to undermine and destroy our way of life. The flood of illegals drains our social and financial resources, and they displace the children of our own citizens, our homeless, our veterans. In many respects this attack on our society and Nation is very much like the internally fomented rise of Hitler, or the Russian Revolution, when do many people were displaced, picked off, of destroyed by the brown shirts, the Nazi SS, or the Bolsheviks. Even our pop media is following in the steps of the elite who support and fund the growing destruction of our American way of life and they seek to destroy our Constitution with means the destruction of our Bill of Rights also.

The flowing linked DW news report and commentary, from Germany, should electrify every American citizen to action and should motivate all Bible believers to share God's word with everyone around us before it's too late to do so.
Jesus Christ warned us about these times that would come upon the world: see Matthew 24:6 and Mark 13:7. Only God's plan of salvation can and shall save any of us.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Tucker Carlson Interviews Tara Reade - a Must-see!!

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND watching this interview that Tucker Carlson did with Tara Reade, a woman who had accused Joe Biden of public sexual harassment when she was working for him years ago. Here's the interview
The facts and implications of this woman's story should drive the patriot in every one of us US Citizens to demand that open and accountable government of the people, by the people, and for the people be restored to our Nation. 

Megyn Kelly Interviews Tara Reade

Here is another interview with Tara Reade, this one is done by Megyn Kelly. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

"For Love of Country": Let's Save the USA

To my dear fellow Citizens of these United States of America: 

A newly released book, called "For Love of Country", by Tulsi Gabbard, may help We the People to reassess our responsibilities and to regain our courage to live according to our US Constitution, instead of giving up our Rights and Responsibilities to the elitists and power-hungry people who are seeking to enslave us or run roughshod over us. 

Please read and weigh the vital issues that are addressed by former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (who has also served in our military for years). She presents honest and truthful information, that many in our country refuse to acknowledge, including damages being inflicted on our Constitution and our way of life. 

If you choose to read her book, I thank you, now, for your time and honest consideration of everything to which she is trying to alert every Citizen of our Nation. 

God bless you. 

Craig Szwed