Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Sin: What Does It Mean? What Is It?

Today, in 2020, most of the world seldom uses the word "sin" or its equivalent, unless referring to things that we do not like someone else doing. Humanity seldom uses that word in reference to ourselves or our own actions. What does that word "sin" mean, that we are so selective about how we use it? What does God mean by it?

The origin of the word "sin", in English, goes way back, rooted in older languages that have influenced our modern American English, and yet, even then, it still referred to one's actions being morally off the mark and not in agreement with God's ways. In Spanish the word "sin" means without, though the Spanish word for sin is "pecado". The Spanish could very well say "sin justicia", "sin la bendiciĆ³n de Dios", or "sin santidad", meaning without righteousness, without the blessing of God, and without holiness, for those are all sinful states of action and being. Every time we go against what God says, whether in thought, word, or deed, we choose to sin against Him, and, in our sin we violate ourselves, for God designed us, made us, and gave us free will, that we should choose to live holy lives and walk with Him, rather than to serve our own fleshly lusts and fantacies.

Whether we say that sin is morally out of synch with God or without God's blessing, the sense and impact of the actions of sin are the same. God says, Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.”. God is speaking of His Law, not the willy-nilly laws of humanity that are contrary to the things that God has said.

God warns humanity, as He warned the Jews in Exodus, "...be sure your sin will find you out." He further tells us that, "...the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.", and that all who refuse to repent, the devil, sin, death, and hell itself shall be "...cast into the lake of fire..." at God's Final Judgment. There are few souls in this life, compared to the world's population, who are willing to speak honestly of these things, so I challenge the reader to take this seriously, for it is NOT an argumentative exercise nor a religious rant. God said this stuff and He is eternally serious about it, wanting to see you trust Him and what He has said. He's patient, but He's not going to wait forever for you to choose Him and His ways.

Anyone who wants to know God's remedy for our sin can know it with God's full assurance. Read God's solution in John and Romans. Trust God's one and only Savior, Jesus Christ, for God's plan of salvation is the only eternal plan that God ever made and approved for redeeming all of us who are willing to repent and turn to Him.

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