Monday, October 11, 2021

The Only Way to Save Yourself: Stop Fighting Against the One and Only True God

 Proverbs 21:30

30  There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the LORD. 

There is and always has been only one true God. He says so in His Word, that all of us humans should come to Him in repentance and faith in His Messiah/Savior. He, alone, has prepared only one way for us to be redeemed from our sin, and that is through His Christ, Jesus of Nazereth, as God foretold for thousands of years.

You can try to deny these things. You can try to argue against these things, You can go to your grave making believe there is some other way than what God, our Creator, has said since the beginning. However, you shall face God's final judgment and shall see, then, that you were wrong to resist, neglect, and deny Him and His Word. In the end, by your refusal to seek God's way you shall have condemned yourself.

I beg and urge you, most strenuously, to read His Word for yourself and ask Him and His Spirit to teach you what He wants you to know about Him and His only plan of salvation. I never believed it until I read it for myself. 

For the sake of your eternal destiny, stop fighting against the only True God, for you alone decide whether you shall spend eternity in heaven with God and His Christ or in hell (isolated, suffering forever, and without further hope of relief or redemption). This life is our only opportunity to choose His way. Your choice, whether you repent and receive His salvation, or not, is what determines your eternal destiny. "Do no be deceived, God is not mocked...." This is not about who has the right religion, but whether we have believed God's Word. For, though you try to evade God's way, you shall give account for your decision and shall spend eternity in the estate that you shall have forced God to place you, based on whether you did it His way or your way. You must trust His Word, or you shall have rejected it.

Learn about His Savior.

Learn about His Salvation.

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