Sunday, June 2, 2024

Soviet-style Political Kangaroo Court Convicts Trump... AGAIN

It is tragic that our so-called justice system, in the USA, has sunk to its present political rottenness and connivance, that stink of Soviet Russian Gulag-style corruption and extremism. 

Our former President, Donald Trump, has been politically railroaded by elements of several US courts. They have brought stale charges. They have brought lame charges. They have acted in spite, hate, jealousy, and politically, against him. In and by numerous ways, elements of the most recent trial and conviction have criminally denied President Trump his constitutional Rights. Now among the ranks of Trump-haters and Trump-attackers, false elements of our justice system have, for years, refused to hold elected officials to their oaths of office and thereby neglected to hold to publicly offending people like Bill and Hilary Clinton, Barrack Obama, and the Biden-Harris administration accountable for their unconstitutional and criminal actions, but certain ones of the justice and court systems have all too eagerly and unconstitutionally persecuted and prosecuted President Trump, as they have many who support or defend the man. Why has there never been a righteous accounting and adjudication regarding the political dirty tricks alleged regarding the DOJ, FBI, CIA, Hunter Biden laptop, and Russian collusion narrative false accusations that prejudiced voters against Trump in the 2020 election. No one is holding the Leftist cabal accountable, but, oh, they love to hate Trump. I'm not even a lawyer or a fan of Trump and I can see the corrupting unconstitutional actions that the Left has perpetrated in and via our legal system.

Unless a wiser and higher Court overturns these convictions with extreme prejudice, the Leftists same legal rationales for the convictions and judgements against President Trump shall have opened a Pandora's Box in jurisprudence to, now, judicially justify going after and exacting political revenge or justice upon each and every political entity, prosecutor, and judge that shall have participated in, orchestrated, and/or helped foment and secure these same convictions and judgments against President Trump, or in any other case that is politically unpallatible to those who happen to be in power in our government or behind the scenes. Those who have so arduously hated and prosecuted Trump, without evident sound legal basis, and by unconstitutional measures, shall reap what they have sown, unless wiser and higher Courts prevail to reverse with extreme haste and prejudice said convictions and judgments that have been unconditionally, erroneously,  and excessively laid against President Trump.

If We the People do NOT want to become a Soviet-style nation, then, when are We the People going to stand up against the evils that are crushing our Nation?! It is high time that we stopped sleeping on the job as Citizens, because the Leftist influences on our Courts are practicing to enslave each and every citizen who tries to live free and responsibly as our Constitution has guaranteed us. 

By such egregious court cases, as what has happened in many recent trials over the past few years, American jurisprudence is failing. We, the Citizens, better stand up in this battle, now, before the Leftists come for the rest of us. 

Only our own personal surrender to and implementation of God's Bible and our US Constitution can deliver us from the slavery of the upside-down evils that are being forced upon the Citizens of the USA. 

May God bless you to allow God to move you into godly action: Support and Defend our US Constitution. 

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