Wednesday, August 20, 2014

God & Nation, or False Gods & Ruination: Logic & Principles, or Emotion, Convenience, & Politics.

God & Nation, or False Gods & Ruination:
Logic & Principles, or Emotion, Convenience, & Politics.

By Craig M. Szwed

In my travels, most work-a-day folks, whom I meet, fully support our Founders’ literal language in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. How is this possible? It is possible because, despite the slippery language and attitudes of modern jurists, our Founding Documents were written for the Common Man, and in the language of the Common Man of that day. Today’s public, with whom I converse, may not say that they literally approve every word of our Founding Documents, but, the things they say to me about their daily concerns, the way that they state their case, and their concerns for our Nation and State, wholly appeal to and approve the literal language and Principles of our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights.

As when our Nation was founded, today’s ‘average’ citizen is no dummy, even though modern elitists, as elitists of old, would try to make the public believe that the ‘average’ person can’t think for herself or himself.
Today’s working people, from all walks of life, from doctors to ditch diggers, are usually very thoughtful, logical people, frustrated by our own government squelching our Rights and filching from our pockets to keep Big Government big. Today’s working citizens feel disconnected from and oppressed by government that has become unconstitutional in its size, scope, invasiveness, and its burdensome presence in the lives of citizens whom it was originally meant to assist and coordinate, not dominate.

Today’s responsible citizens dislike a government that issues edicts and laws that countermand the Founding Law of this Land. Most of those with whom I’ve spoken have never been actively involved in any civil rights-related meetings or chat rooms, or in political venues related to government or our Constitution. Probably the last time that they read or studied our Constitution and Bill of Rights was in high school, if ever. But, those same rational citizens have the ability to discern truth and reject falsehood, sensing radical differences between reasonable facts of history as opposed to the emotional or political arguments of those whom they feel are trying to subjugate them. Rational citizen-supporters of Rights object to oppression and want our government to return to and abide by our Founding Documents. These rational citizens want government officials to repeal all the laws that try to circumvent our Rights and Constitution.

By contrast, most of the anti-rights and anti-gun people I've met, are more emotionally or politically driven. The anti-rights folks have been prone to refuse to be rational during discussions of our Constitution and our Bill of Rights; prone to reject facts and history. Those same rejecters of facts often seem to be fearful people who clamor for more laws to try to rule human nature, even though all the laws they’ve already passed, in the last 80 years, have not accomplished their asserted objective. Those who make up the anti-Rights crowd seem to fail to understand that the loose definition of insanity is when someone keeps repeating the same behavior even though the real results of the behavior never match what the person keeps expecting or wanting to happen. Eighty years of passing anti-gun laws has had zero practical effect on crime or criminal access to weapons of any type, yet the anti-gun crowd still says that they hope to stop the violent behavior of criminals and insane persons by passing yet more anti-gun laws. They keep failing because they pass laws against weapons and do not address the underlying attitudes and behaviors that drive the insane and criminals to commit violent acts against individuals and society. That psychological and social disconnect between wishes and reality is what separates rational people from irrational people.

I have found that the people who are more fearful, ignorant, emotional, or convenience-driven are the people who fight the most against accepting the rational, literal, language of our Bill of Rights. When such irrational people speak with me, they are far more likely to justify governmental suppression or abuse of our Constitution and our Bill of Rights, unless they feel that their own Rights are infringed upon by the government, as Senator Feinstein demonstrated when the government started spying against her. Despite her willingness to despise the Second Amendment she suddenly invoked our Bill of Rights as her defense against agents of our government spying on her. The emotional and politically driven seem far more willing to settle for anything the government does, as long as they can get what they desire for themselves. The emotionally and politically driven are what I’d call the RAFTWOT crowd (run-away-from-things-without-thinking), for they depend far more on feelings, and determinations of preference or convenience, with few regards for Absolutes or Principles. The RAFTWOT bunch refuse, and reject, history and reason in favor of fear or political convenience. They reject personal responsibility and cling to wishful, revisionist, ignorance of history. RAFTWOTs are often ignorant of history, are power-mongers, or hysterics, most, if not all, of whom tend to live by preferences not Principles, especially when it comes to issues pertaining our Constitution, particularly Second Amendment Rights. Such an unprincipled crowd is opposed to the idea of self-reliant citizens, to whom our government should and must be held accountable, according to our Constitution.

Let’s remember that principles are things we choose to adhere to, and not change, in our beliefs, and for which we are willing to live and die, A serious lack of knowledge of the Bible, and of God, motivates and drives a lot of fear and lack of principles, leading many to make the government their false god of provision and protection, instead of depending on the One True God, and the Rights and Responsibilities that He has already given us through the Bible and our Founding Documents. But, lest we forget that three fingers accusingly point at us when we point at others, it is not just those who fight against our Rights and Founding Documents who worship idols. Even some firearms enthusiasts make guns their false gods by trusting arms more than the Almighty. We must remember that an idol, in God’s eyes, is anything that separates us from wholly trusting and obeying God, or having the relationship that our Creator wants to have with us. Let us all, therefore, return to God and the Bible, then we shall clearly see our need to also accept our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, and our Bill of Rights, even as our Founding Fathers intended us to live by them, in the Light of God’s Word. God has given all of this to us, that we might live “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness” according to the godly Principles on which this Republic was based.

Without adherence to all those Ideals and Common Principles, we are, and shall remain, a house divided that shall not stand. In the end, our actions shall prove whether we have stood for Truth and Principles, or if we have allowed or helped in the destruction of our Nation.

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