Monday, September 22, 2014

Honey, I’m Being Attacked! Where Did We Stash the Bug Spray?!!

Honey, I’m Being Attacked!
Where Did We Stash the Bug Spray?!!

By Craig M. Szwed

Politicians and special interests groups often have a way of saying the most ludicrous things, such as telling rape or assault victims to go looking for call boxes on college campuses, or to blow a whistle during a surprise violent attack, or to try to find the household bug spray to ward off attackers in one’s home, or in the extreme, to allow violent attackers to have their way with the victim!
Shame on those who tell honest decent people to allow violent criminals to go ahead and abuse them! Violent criminals rarely announce their intent to victims until it is too late to go looking for a call box or to search for some kind of weapon to ward off the attack,
…unless one already has a weapon, such as a firearm, strapped to one’s body, with which one can try to gain advantage over the attacker in order to stop the threat to one’s person.

I don’t want to see anyone get hurt, and I don’t mean to sound crass or cruel, BUT, REALLY!! ...the next time any anti-Constitution, anti-firearms people are violently attacked by rapists, murderers, robbers, or other violent assailants, I hope that those same anti-gun victims of violent criminals remember that their anti-gun peers are counseling them to use some equivalent of submitting to the violence or to go looking for bug spray while the attack is taking place. Some litigious anti-gun types even ask the victims of violent crime why the victim didn’t call 911 before or during the attack!... as if it is the victim’s fault that the criminal decided to choose that person for a target at that moment!

Bug spray? 2x4 timbers? Knives? Salt & pepper? Sticks? Stones? Well, yes, weapons of opportunity can be helpful in a dire situation, IF one notices something handy with which to fight against a violent assailant, AND IF the chosen weapon ends up being effective and doesn’t just further provoke the assailant. Let’s, also, remember that even when a victim is able to pick up a weapon that is not a firearm, not everyone has the physical strength or agility to fight off an attacker in hand-to-hand combat. Besides, who carries a can of bug spray around with her or him all the time at home or in public, or leaves such things sitting around where kids can get at them?

WAIT! WAIT! Don’t attack me just yet… I have to go look under the sink or the garage to find the bug spray! I can’t remember where I left it! NO! WAIT! Don’t attack me here! I have to go find a campus callbox! You can try to attack me there! NO! WAIT! Let me call the cops first, then give them 15 minutes to get here before you assault me sexually, or with that knife!

If you think those exclamations are ridiculous, you need to take that up with all your public officials and all those who are so severely infringing on your Rights, for many of them have pretty much told the public to go to those extremes rather than carry a firearm for self-protection. At least when a law-abiding citizen wears a firearm in a holster the means of defense is available and under the person’s control, AND a lawfully wielded firearm can serve as a strong deterrent against a violent attacker who seeks to maim or kill you or someone you love.

What goes through the minds of those who tell potential victims to simply submit to violent criminals?! God says that good government is supposed to bear a sword of judgment and execution against evil in order to deter evil from plaguing society! But, our modern government coddles crime and criminals, rather than obeying God. Honest people know that coddling crime is wrong, and, NO potential victim in her or his right mind (besides a sworn pacifist or someone on a mission of faith) ever deliberately determines to go into harm’s way to allow herself or himself to be molested or killed. Also, people in their right minds simply do not expect a whistle to stop any determined attacker who is intent on causing grievous bodily injury or death to someone. What the “politically correct” do not understand is that violent crime is called violent crime for a reason!!

Anti-rights, anti-gun groups, persons, or government agencies or officials who try to take the Rights and firearms away from law-abiding citizens are continually making very lame and senseless comments and suggestions about how citizens are supposed to manage or neglect their self-defense. Many anti-firearms people ignorantly tell potential victims to just wait for police to get to the scene of the crime. Nonsense! Why have a crime scene, when the crime could have been stopped or prevented by the citizen simply drawing a firearm to stop the threat!!

Despite “Protect and Serve” logos on the doors of many police cars across our Nation, from a constitutional perspective and in terms of the Rights of citizens, police are there to clean up and sort out the messes once crimes have been committed, NOT to act before the fact. To try to prevent all crimes before they happen takes our society into the dictatorial, social-engineering realm of “Robocop” and other sci-fi story and movie fantasies, where people’s attitudes and thoughts are prejudged by the police, with summary judgment executed immediately before a crime can be committed. Those in our society who pursue the path of “political correctness” are running along the “Robocop” path very quickly and making themselves into false gods, thinking that they have all the answers, while they cast off centuries and eons of godly wisdom, in favor of their own predilections. Infringements against citizens’ Rights are not just committed by the insane or criminals, but also by fellow citizens in their lust for power or fear of taking personal responsibility for their own lives, in disregard for constitutional imperatives. Also, unconstitutional government is just as guilty an attacker of law-abiding citizens, and more insidiously, because government and its agents argue all too glibly that they only infringe upon our Rights for our own good. Sadly, far too many citizens accept that governmental glibness.

Those who attack our constitutional Rights are wholly in denial of the personal and social cost and suffering that are caused by violent crimes and governmental usurpation of citizens’ power and citizens’ responsibilities. Those who attack our fundamental Human Rights, as stated in our Constitution and Bill of Rights, forget that crimes are perpetrated by human beings, not by firearms. As a point of comparison, when a drunk gets behind the wheel of a motor vehicle and kills someone, the law and society do not blame the motor vehicle, but rather hold the drunk responsible. By contrast, that same logical conclusion is NOT applied to the abuse of firearms by violent criminals. Instead of holding the criminals responsible for their actions, the “politically correct”, anti-Rights, anti-arms crowd ignorantly holds firearms responsible, a wholly illogical and irresponsible way of dealing with the issue. As a result of that illogical and irresponsible discrepancy between the way firearms and motor vehicle abuses are handled, the ongoing end result is that only law-abiding citizens are the ones penalized when firearms are abused by criminals. Instead of dealing with the real issues of sin, crime, and punishment, the politicians make false and misleading promises that continue to fail to address the causes of violent crime or the need for godly punishment of violent criminals.

Modern government in these United States of America has failed miserably to deal with violent crime, and has coddled and enabled the furtherance of violent crime, despite the myriad of laws that have been passed. It is so bad, today, that the processing of crime, and violent crime in particular, is a growth industry in almost every state in our Nation. This is evidenced by the burgeoning of our legal, judicial, and penal systems, including the development of a whole genre of commercial prisons around the USA. Instead of executing violent criminals as God says to do, lawyers, judges, guards, government officials and overseers, and businesses are growing in numbers and influence as a result of the money that is changing hands to process and house violent offenders. This is a crime against God and against society.

Many historically ignorant parties attack our Constitution and our Rights, overlooking the fact that many violent crimes could quickly be stopped if the victims had firearms of their own choosing readily available with which to defend themselves. It is particularly noteworthy that the completion of violent crimes against women is significantly reduced when women carry firearms for protection. Furthermore, it is women in our society who are the fastest growing group of people arming themselves with firearms, for personal protection. Women are tired of having their personal Rights violated, tired of being the victims of violent criminals. Men and women, alike, are tired of all the misleading political hype and promises that ignore the truth that no amount of police protection is ever as fast as being able to effectively defend one’s self against violent attackers, when the law-abiding citizen has uninfringed access to her or his firearm of choice. Even our Founders acknowledged the necessity for being able to defend one’s self, as a citizen.

Most of us know that the current anti-Rights, anti-firearms, political climate seeks to disarm law-abiding U.S. citizens, as well as citizens of other nations around the world. That political mal-intent toward law-abiding citizens must surely cause violent criminals to applaud further attempts to pass more gun control laws. ALL law-abiding citizens MUST work together to reverse the anti-gun laws that have so egregiously deprived us of our Right to choose what weapon we want to protect ourselves. Many may seek to argue the merits of some particular weapon or other, yet according to our Constitution our Rights secured by our Constitution and Bill of Rights are NOT to be infringed at all. What is so hard to understand about “shall not be infringed”?

There is no time for laziness. There is no time for silence. There is no time for uncertainty or fear. We must all work to return to the Law of the Land as it has been established in our Constitution and our Bill of Rights, the firearms Rights of which were affirmed under the slavery supporting Dred Scott Decision. Though that Decision violated the man’s Human Rights, and left him a slave without citizenship, yet it affirmed the premise of the universality of our Second Amendment across our Nation, for the latter was used as justification for denying his citizenship. I’ve said this before, in other ways and venues, and I shall repeat it as often as necessary, we may be ostracized or even killed for sticking out our necks and getting involved in the defense of our constitutional Rights, but we are already dead if we do not get actively involved in the defense of our Rights.

If we do not succeed in turning around our Nation and our states, then not only shall we suffer the dire consequences of increased violent criminal activity, but our whole social structure shall continue to deteriorate. Despite all the bug spray and other weapons of opportunity they might muster, in a society devoid of souls willing to keep and to bear personal firearms for self-defense and in defense of our states and nation, even those persons or entities which now call for the removal and destruction of our arms and Rights will find themselves easy pickings and ready victims for violent criminals, as violent criminals never have significant problems finding violent ways to perpetrate their crimes against persons, property, and society. We, law-abiding citizens, MUST get active and stay active in support and defense of our Constitution and our Bill of Rights, and of ourselves. Without our constructive actions, the USA shall decline into deeper political and social anarchy.

Remember that more than EIGHTY YEARS of U.S. anti-gun laws have NOT stopped violent criminals from obtaining firearms and other means of perpetrating violent crimes, as they have desired. Remember that those very anti-firearms laws have only served to make it more difficult for decent, law-abiding citizens to defend themselves and their loved ones. Don’t delay! Get active today! Our today and tomorrow, and that of our loved ones, depend on you and me doing what our Constitution and Bill of Rights says we are supposed to do as U.S. citizens, …now, …and for the rest of our lives. This is NOT a one shot deal. This is NOT a quick fix, but an ongoing struggle with all powers that seek to destroy our Constitution and our Bill of Rights, to oppress or destroy law-abiding U.S. citizens.

Those who wish to read a detailed scientific discussion of the relationships between firearms ownership and violent crime will appreciate John R. Lott's "More Guns, Less Crime". The book is based on longitudinal and cross-sectional study and analyses of crime and gun laws across the USA, while Lott was affiliated with the University of Chicago's School of Economics.

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