Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Shall I Choose Self-indulgence or Godly Wisdom?

Even at my age, and after being saved for over 30 years, I am, STILL, slowly learning from God that whenever I
neglect to feed and exercise my soul/spirit in what pleases Him, when I continue on with living my life just to love and indulge the yearnings of my flesh in the pleasures of this world, more than I demonstrate love and allegiance for the things of God, then I have shown my addiction to fleshly-worldly things such that it is difficult for me, but for the grace and mercy of Christ, to learn and grow beyond those worldly-fleshly things to which my actions have proven me to have dedicated myself. Whether the things we lustfully pursue and love are good or evil, in and of themselves, before God, our self-centered use of them does not change the fact that we have chosen to pursue them for the indulgence of our flesh, using them for our own glory rather than for the glory of God. In such indulgences, we have pushed God aside and we have confused the uses, labors, intents, and order that God desires for us learn and experience. A review of God’s Ten Commandments to Moses and the Jews clearly shows that indulging ourselves without putting God first is self-worship. Throughout history and Scripture, He has repeatedly said that we are to have no other gods before Him.

In contrast to dedicating ourselves to our own fleshly desires and worldly indulgences, by which we quench the Spirit of God and frustrate His grace, IF we want to be able to learn and grow as whole beings, then we must learn to subscribe to and discipline ourselves in the things that please God, putting Him first, giving Him the glory, and using all things and ourselves as He pleases. THAT is a tough lesson for us, since we choose to sin because of our God-given free will. Like cows seeking greener grass than what is in front of them, we are “Prone to wander… prone to leave the God I love”, as the old Hymn says.  How do we learn to overcome our sinful self-indulgence?... by reading His Word, the Bible, asking and trusting Christ to save us, and then submitting ourselves to God’s will for our lives, allowing Him to put into practice, through us, those holy things as He prescribes for us (Ephesians 2:8-10). In concurrence with Scripture, I believe that when most of us who have easy access to the Word of God and neglect to read the Bible on a regular basis, we are focused far more on how to ‘run with’ the world and indulge our flesh, as opposed to seeking what God wants for our lives, even as He says of us in His Word (including 1 Peter 4:1-11).

Oh, that we all would turn to doing things God’s way through His Word and His Christ. 

Godly wisdom is the key: Psalm 111:10 & Proverbs 9:10.

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