Friday, October 16, 2020

High Tech Social Media Creators Warn of Social Addiction and Chaos

I recently watched the Netflix “The Social Dilemma” documentary and discussion about social media that floods our computers and cell phones. Numerous people who have shaped how social media now works are interviewed in this documentary, saying that the algorithms that drive the social media apps are self-serving to addict users, glean as much personal info as possible, and to serve as means for the social media companies to sell as much targeted advertising as possible to the highest bidder, based on our personal info and our addiction time on their apps. 

I HIGHLY recommend watching this discussion and warning, as it raises extremely serious issues about the dysfunctional money-driven way that we, the social media so-called “account users”, are mined as products for our most private and intimate information, time, and attention. Those interviewed further warn us that our information is converted into targeted intermittent reinforcement techniques to become captivating and polarizing influences in our lives, our societies, and worldwide, because they make more money when people are polarized, tribalized, and at each other's throats socially, just as weapons manufacturers and dealers have known and fostered social discord for eons. 

In the documentary, former developers of these social media apps put great stress and urgency on how they, themselves, do not fully understand how the artificial intelligence (machine intelligence) successfully and selectively teaches itself to target the weakest, most addictive, and most divisive aspects of an individual media user's personality. The correlation between the advent of high tech social media and rapidly increasing social unrest, personal addiction to social media, suicide, and other societally dysfunctional behaviors are not random nor merely coincidental.

To paraphrase one speaker, if every user is fed different information to addict us to the media and maximize the monetary gain of the social app corporations, and each of us comes, thereby, to be so dysfunctionally influenced by artificial intelligence manipulated contrasting personal perceptions of what truth is supposed to be, without us having any real standard of truth, then we lose contact with any dominant apparent truth, which, in turn, breaks down all ability for us to truly communicate with anyone else, thus destroying the very fabric of responsible human social interaction, and especially blinding humanity to God's Truth.

Because of that worldly influence that strives to tear down Truth, I strenuously urge everyone, near and far, to test and prove all things, including what is on the internet, by the literal Word of God in the Bible, while the Bible is still available to us.

God bless you as you seek God’s truth.

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