Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The Degrading of American Society and Morality

 The following things are paraphrases of some wise words that I've read elsewhere, exposing the popular "political correctness" trends that are destroying us spiritually, morally, and socially.

• How is it, that,…if a male pretends to be a female, or visa versa, we are politically, and sometimes legally, required to pretend that that person’s gender confusion is not confusing and destructive for society?

• How is it that,...if males or females decide to have sexual relations with someone of their own sex, that the rest of us are now politically forced to endure or even praise that behavior, even though God says it is an abomination because that kind of sexual behavior undermines natural biological procreation on which families and society are naturally founded?

• How is it, that,…Russians influencing our elections is obviously a bad thing, but, why does our society justify felons, illegal aliens, and deceased voters being allowed to be counted as voters in our elections?

• How is it, that,…since the human brain isn’t fully formed until about 23 to 25 years of age, twenty is too young to drink a beer, but eighteen is old enough to vote and die for our country?

How is it, that,…some folks want people who have never owned slaves to pay slavery reparations to people, or their families, who were never slaves? Why is it that society makes so much noise about slavery and hardly anyone says anything about the way the American Indians have been treated by our society, or the genocide of the race of giants that the Indians exterminated?

• How is it, that,…people who have never been to college should be taxed to pay the debts of college students who took out huge loans for their degrees that are supposed to help the students earn so much more money than the people who didn’t go to college?

• How is it, that,…doctors, engineers, and other highly skilled people who want to immigrate to the US must patiently endure rigorous vetting processes, but illegals and criminals who violate our borders are welcomed in certain U.S. cities?

• How is it, that,…$5 billion for border security is too expensive, but $1.5 trillion for “free” health care is not too expensive to care for people who don't eat right or care for themselves?

• How is it, that,…if you cheat to get into college you go to prison, but if you cheat to get into the country, some states allow you go to college for free?

• How is it that,...if most citizens cheat on taxes or lie to authorities we are held accountable and subject to punishments, but when we have allowed government or businesses to waste, squander, lie, or cheat, there is seldom any consequence for those high level offenders of the Law, for they are often promoted for their connivance?

• How is it, that,…though we see Socialist and Communist countries bankrupted and collapsing around the world, yet those dying political philosophies seem like attractive governmental blueprints to many of our citizens and politicians who refuse to admit reality?

• How is it, that,…some people are blamed or held responsible for things that happened before they were even born, while many other people are not held responsible for what they are doing right now?

• How is it, that,...people increasingly reject the death penalty (even though God instituted it) and then the people complain about repetitive crimes, crowded prison conditions, and the egregious taxes and expenses to house criminals?

• How is it, that,…when criminals violate the rights of their victims, yet stopping or executing those criminals is often called a violation of THEIR rights?

• How is it, that,…messengers who point out social and political hypocrisy are often labeled as “hateful” or "racist"?

We are clearly living in an upside down world where right is called wrong and wrong is called right, where moral is called immoral and immoral is called moral, where good is called evil and evil is called good, where killing murderers is called wrong, but killing innocent unborn babies is called right.

Wake up America, our pride-swollen ship has hit an iceberg and is sinking fast. The choice is yours to make. What will it be? Time is short, make your choice wisely! Individually and collectively, we all need to repent of our sin and put our faith and practice in God’s Christ, for it is God’s only plan.

Isaiah 5:20  “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter”! 

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