Monday, November 30, 2020

Evil Leaders and Evil Followers Are Both Responsible

People fight among themselves. Nation after nation wants supremacy. Society after society wants to be king of the hill. Many are all too eager to follow the temptations of Satan and the world, but, few seek the LORD, Self-existent and Eternal, the God of Creation, or His Christ. Many call upon many false gods and idols, but few believe on and trust in the One True God. Many are willing to try to pass off their own guilt onto those whom they follow.

While rejecting the One True God and His Christ has eternal consequences, there are also, frequently, earthly consequences for rejecting Him, whether people want to recognize or admit those consequences or not. We need to count the cost of our decisions, whether we be great or small in the eyes of the world. Too often those who lead lead their followers into destruction. Too often those looking for a leader choose to follow anyone who tickles their ears and promises anything the followers desire. We all put ourselves into these situations because we neglect to seek, follow, abide in, and test all things by the One True God and His Word.

2 Chronicles 28:19
For the LORD brought Judah low because of Ahaz king of Israel; for he made Judah naked, and transgressed sore against the LORD. 

The full context of this simple example shows us that the king practiced evil and that the people followed him, going against how God wanted them to live. They all were responsible for their personal and collective actions and the suffering that they earned and lived through. Today, it is politically expedient to claim some "diverse" point of cultural or emotional or sexual preference and then to point fingers at everyone else to try to force them to bow and worship that "diversity", without respect to what God wants or says. To diverge means to go in a direction away from the known or common direction or travel or discussion. All those who expound and worship divergence from God's way of doing things have promoted perverse ways, and have segregated themselves from God and His counsel. Whether leading or following the packs of people who resist God's Word, those have chosen to fight against what God says and by doing so damn their own actions.

Whether those in authority lead their constituents astray or the constituents pressure their leaders into doing ungodly things, both have the same consequences for having acted against the Word and will of God Almighty. Whether we be great or small in the world, when we shall face God, we shall give honest answer for all we've done and we cannot blame anyone but our own selves for our decision to act in any particular manner. Our lives and decisions are wholly accountable to God. He has shown every human being His Truth throughout Creation. Those who choose to reject God's Truth do so damn themselves.

You do NOT have to damn yourself, but, you can choose God's way. The choice is yours now and for eternity.

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