Thursday, September 16, 2021

Freedom, Crime, Punishment, and Unholy Choices

Popular modern news broadcasts from around the world, including from our own neighborhoods, States, and Nation, in the USA, are riddled with all manner of evil and malicious events. People, in general, based on their own frame of reference, clamor for law, order, decency, and security, but they also want their own freedoms, AND they do NOT want anyone messing with THEIR own ability to do anything they want to do when they want to do it. They want liberty, diversity, populism, perversion, handouts, and they don't want anyone telling their kids they're wrong when they misbehave. All the while they are ungrateful to God for all the blessings that He pours on them daily. They want everyone else to comply with their idea of politically correct things to do and not do, but they do NOT want any absolute standard by which to judge all things, for they want no one else judging them. Their feeling and convenience based social objectives have devolved a great portion of US society into a similar condition as the old Spartan State wherein it seemed as if almost everything was illegal, but, no one complained about individual responsibility as long as the citizens could figure out how to get away with their own proclivities, without getting caught and hauled into court. And, yet, our society is even more confused than that, legally and morally.

Today, huge portions of our society want to walk in self-worship and self-indulgence at their own convenience, to abuse and disenfranchise whomever they desire, to steal from one another with impunity (whether they are rich or poor), to murder unborn children while refusing to execute habitual or repeat criminals, and to pursue many other behaviors that are repugnant to God. Vile behaviors and the people who defend such evil are repugnant to God because such things violate His standards that are good for humanity. He wants people to godly standards, because godly standards are there to preserve and protect us from our own sin. Evil behaviors are, in truth, self-destructive of individuals and their communities. Those who know God agree with Him that all unholy behavior is and shall be forever condemned. Is there no hope for sinners?

Individuals, families, and segments of society that repent of their sin and choose godly living have rejected evil, but are usually looked upon, by evil-doers, as out of touch with modern society. Yet, God's Word says that even though evil things are now called good and good things are now called evil (by the society in which we live), yet, He shall set the record straight and none of those who have cast off His Word and salvation shall have any place in the holy pleasurable aspects of eternity with Him. On the contrary, all those who reject God's Word and salvation shall have their place in the lake of fire that burns forever. Those individuals and nations that reject God plan choose to damn themselves. 

God is in the business of seeking to redeem all who want to be redeemed, but people allow their sin nature, too often, to dominate and push away godly things. Sadly, most people love their sin more than they love God or His Word and His ways. In this, most people victimize themselves and try to blame almost anyone except themselves for their own bad choices.

Our only true hope, in this life or the next, is that God calls us to repentance and to faith in Himself, His Word, His Christ, and His only plan of salvation. He has already simplified all issues of faith and religion, IF we will but look to what He has said in His Word. It is people who love their sin who do NOT want God's simple ways, as they look for and complicate all things spiritual; they look for ways to circumvent what God has said. 

Turn from following those who reject or doubt God and His Word. He holds you responsible, so seek His truth in His Word, for He alone can show you the way of His only eternal redemption. He made that for you and wants you to receive it in faith on the terms that He created. That, alone, is our only hope for joy, peace, harmony, and comfort with God for all eternity. Please, let go of earthly things and choose God's ways.

Here is His only plan of salvation, the only hope for any of us.

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