Thursday, June 30, 2022

Sex Strikes Instead of Reason, Morality, or Science?

YouTube and other media venues are carrying stories that elements of the U.S. political Left are calling for female sex strikes in response to the recent SCOTUS abortion decision. If sex strikes happen to any great extent and for any great length of time, that could go a long way to reducing the number of abortions in our nation. Salute! 

After all, abstinence before marriage is one of God's basic rules to get a man and woman to learn truly important and lasting things about life and each other, prior to marriage.

The stuff we are supposed to learn about building and sustaining a marriage are primarily NOT about sex. Sex is icing on the marital cake. Sex was designed as a vehicle to have children, and as a binding agent for marriage; for pleasure, yes, but not outside of marriage. Sex was not designed by God for the worldly willful self-indulgent gluttony that we have made sex in our modern society and media. At the general societal level, we've taken the specialness out of sex and made it into a commodity or weapon, by which to try to slake our own lusts or to victimize, monetize, or manipulate others. 

Any time that supporters of an idea have to resort to blackmail, extortion, coercion, and emotionalism, instead of sticking to the scientific or moral questions at hand, the ones who use the non-rational techniques are proving that their own arguments are weak, illogical, and emotional, as evidenced by their posture and manner of presentation. 

We all know who we are, we who need to repent of the ungodly way that we have abused our God-given sexual natures. Let us repent and ask the forgiveness of God's Christ, Jesus, and He shall gladly wash us clean in His holy blood, by faith.

Let us forsake non-marital sex and forsake abortion, that we not bring further condemnation upon ourselves, because of our unholy yearnings and our lack of patience and faith.

Read the Bible's books of Genesis, John, and Romans, as you ask God to help you see things His way

Death Penalty Hypocrisy: Violent Criminals vs. Unborn Healthy Babies

With all the emotional uproar about SCOTUS overturning Roe v. Wade, we should also be hearing a huge uproar about all the states that have outlawed the death penalty for violent criminals, and especially for repeat violent criminals. People speak for the rights of convicted criminals, they shout for the so-called rights of penalt pregnant mothers, but few say much on behalf of incident unborn children.
In today's U.S. society, more than ever, excess emotionalism is driving the decisions of citizens and of our lawmakers. Both groups seem to think that legislation is going to fix all the problems of humanity, without our citizens taking full personal responsibility for our own desires and actions. 
I recently tried to explain to someone that unborn babies in the womb are biologically and genetically discrete individuals whose birth sack and umbilical cord are each child's own genetically unique and separate system, segregated from the biology of the mother. The person didn't want to hear that scientific truth nor wish to explore the spiritual, moral, or social implications of the scientific facts. Instead, the person only wanted to dwell on how to address the potential desire of any woman who wants to kill and remove an unwanted unborn child. The irony is that this particular person claims to not personally believe in abortion. The foundation for the person's dualism of belief is evidently emotional in nature and therefore highly subjective. If all our decisions are based on feelings and not in an absolute standard then absolute truth has been rejected in favor of emotional relativism. In relativism everyone's feelings matter so much that no one's feelings and God's truth do not matter at all, because they set their own feelings as the standard, and thereby they invalidate everyone else's feelings and concerns, irrespective of real truth. God calls their way of thinking sin. In that situation there is no possibility for honest mutual discussion, neither for reasonable or rational solutions. 
What we all need to do is return to the standard of God's Law and test our thoughts, feelings, and desires by the Authority of what God has said, because only He knows the truth about what is good or bad for us, instead of letting our feelings drive our lives.  
Reason, godly morality, and personal discipline are quickly cast aside when we allow feelings, peer pressure, and sexual hormones to govern our feelings, thoughts, and actions.
The execution of more than 60 million innocent unborn children (under Roe v. Wade) mocks society's preservation of the lives of repeat violent offenders. How is it that our society is so in love with preserving violent criminals in our prisons, at the expense of society and the victims, but, yet, so hateful toward our very own unborn children? Societally, we treat the killing of our unborn as if we were sending our female family members to a deli counter for some processed meat. No greater earthly hypocrisy exists in our society, today. God has warned us about this kind of thinking for thousands of years, that in our time, evil things would be called good and good things would be called evil.
By our collective hypocrisy in these matters we prove our willful ignorance of the facts, our prejudices in favor of selfish interests, and our collective rejection of the things of God, for by our actions in these matters we prove that we violate God's two great laws, to love Him with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. The human laws by which we kill off our unborn children openly mock us, in light of the human laws by which we protect the lives of violent criminals. Thereby, we demonstrate our love of sin and our hatefulness toward God and His Standards.
We must repent of our sinful desires and actions, or we shall surely answer to God for allowing and promoting such travesties of godly law. 
Please return to the Bible, God's Word, and examine your life by His Standards, then repent and ask Jesus to forgive and cleanse you from your sin, as all our nation needs to do. 

Sunday, June 26, 2022

God Punished His Chosen People. The Rest of Us Sin Even More.

I beg and urge every reader to read Ezekiel Chapter 7

God had pleaded with His chosen people for generations, that they might put aside all their sinful ways, but most of them refused to repent or return to God's ways. The rest of humanity has done as wickedly as Israel did, and worse, especially since God has now revealed Himself to us in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ. For 2,000 years, God's Word, the Bible, has said that humanity is running out of time, because of our continual pursuit of sin, though we think that we have gotten away with all our pet transgressions against God. We must repent or we shall perish in eternal damnation

Please repent of your sin and choose God's salvation.

Friday, June 24, 2022

Liberalism Says Do Your Thing, Unless It's Not Like Theirs

Today, SCOTUS overturned the 49 year old flawed and unconstitutional case of Roe v. Wade. No longer are individual States fettered by illegal Federal mandates about their voters' own decisions of what they and their State believe to be a righteous decision about abortion. Now, in the light of modern science and godly thinking there is a chance for the constitutional rights of unborn children to be honestly discussed and protected. 
Yet, the Federal DOJ, POTUS, and many leftist leaders are freaked out that the High Court actually "grew a pair"  and issued a truly constitutional decision that got the Feds out of the abortion business. No longer is Planned Parenthood going to have its free reign and free rein of federally backed secular butchery with regard to our nation's unborn children. 
In synch with POTUS's ignorant emotional comments, House Speaker Pelosi called the SCOTUS repeal of Roe v. Wade, "a slap in the face of women", but, wise and godly women know that multitudes of other women have been led by their emotions into the abortion trap, as a supposed "acceptable" solution to pregnancy, since 1973. It's about time our whole society woke up and learned and acted upon the truth that that the unborn children the abortionists kill are not their property nor are those unborn kids part of the bodies of the mothers. Biology and medicine show us the mother and child are distinct and unique entities and persons, one from the other. 
It's time to stand up and be counted on God's side of this war to save the souls and lives of unborn children. It's time for us all to wise up, repent, and get right with Jesus Christ. 

Before Overturned, Roe v. Wade Killed More Than All US Wars

In 1973, based on lies and legal deceptions, SCOTUS gave the OK for U.S. women to kill their unborn babies. Forty-nine years of butchery has followed that 1973 Court decision: more than 60 million unborn babies have been killed in these United States of America, though we claim to be a country supports the rights of every citizen. What about the rights of the babies? Sadly, though we lament for fallen soldiers, many times more babies have been killed, in less than 50 years, than all the U.S. soldiers and U.S. civilians in all the warfare engaged in by U.S. troops, in all the wars we've fought domestically or on foreign soil. 
In His Word, the Bible, Almighty God, who created us, speaks of the unborn and that He knows who each one is and what that soul shall become and accomplish in life. 
It is people's lust for pleasure, power, personal convenience, their arrogance and willful ignorance that leads them to think or claim that unborn children are a part of their mothers' bodies. Basic biology and physiology studies clearly demonstrate that each unborn child only interfaces with its mother at the placental barrier, because each child is genetically unique within its own placental life support system, including its own blood system. The placenta and navel cord are part of the child, NOT part of the mother. To say that an unborn child, in the womb, is part of the mother's body is pure ignorance and self-delusion.
In response to SCOTUS's decision to reject the flawed Roe v. Wade case and to return the abortion issue back to each discrete State, the U.S. DOJ, POTUS, and many radicalized ungodly leaders have decried the overturn of Roe v. Wade, because the complainers do not understand biology, the Bible, now do they understand the plain language of our Constitution. Those same complaining leaders foam at the mouth about civil rights for liberals and perverts but they deny the civil rights of anyone who wants to defend the constitutional rights of the unborn. These same leaders have rightly yelled, cried, and agonized over the sinful murders of dozens of people who have been murdered en mass, by bombs, firearms, and motor vehicles, BUT they also have hypocritically publicly demanded a continuation of the unconstitutional murder of millions of unborn U.S. children. With every such protest and demand such leaders flaunt their blatant hypocrisy, their emotionally driven lies, and their unscientific claims. 
Though it is difficult to calm, comfort, or reason with those who insist on living in and by emotionalism, yet, it is time for God-loving and God-fearing people to stand for the unborn, and against anyone who would kill the unborn. 
I thank God for the courage of the SCOTUS majority in their reversal of Roe v Wade. 
May We, the People, finally stop listening to the promiscuous lies of immoral and ungodly leaders, or to unholy ideas. Let us test all things by God's Bible and let us return to God's way of doing things. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

To Solve Human Violence

It is truly sad to watch citizens of our nation emotionally and legalisticly tearing at each other and vying for political advantage, when we all should be turning to God, repenting, and begging His forgiveness for our lustful, hateful, and selfish urges and tendencies. 
We wail and posture angrily about the children and teachers killed by shooters in Connecticut Texas, and elsewhere, yet we collectively rant and rave about wanting to keep butchering millions of unborn children year after year. God hates our killing of our unborn children. 
We blame parents, police, each other, and inanimate objects (like firearms) instead of blaming our own personal sin natures for all the hate, selfishness, crime, and violence throughout our nation. As the Bible, God's Word, clearly shows, every one of us contributes to the problems caused by our sin, to whatever degree we refuse to stand up to do the work that God appoints for us to do. Our refusal to side with God's absolute moral standards (that He has set for our own good) enables sin to run its unholy course, corrupting us and those around us, generation after generation, spiraling our culture toward collective destruction.
When we do not allow God's Spirit, Word, and the ways of God to fill, direct, and enrich our lives with His purpose, then we have rejected Him and have no one but ourselves to blame for the social and moral disasters that come upon us which we alone have allowed and caused.
We keep telling government to do our jobs. Instead of keeping our families and communities doing right and safe, ourselves, we lazily sit by as government does our work poorly and inefficiently. Then we complain that we don't like how the politicians do things. We are utterly drowning in our sinful hypocrisy against our society and against our offspring. 
Since the days of New York's Sullivan Laws and FDR's gun bans and beginnings of the ATF, one can study through more than 100 years of governmental attempts to try to control human sin and violence by legislative means. Edicts and legalisms do NOT work. God says that law only exposes sin and that godly authority exists to punish sin swiftly. Our legal system, like our citizenry, has drifted far away from God and His ways. The farther we remove ourselves from God's path the worse our social plight shall continue to become. From the beginning of human history, God has always promised to every society that we are all accountable to Him. His Word cannot be broken. 
Let us stop blaming everything else in life for our failures and accept responsibility for our personal and collective sins. Let us not just bewail catastrophes, but, let us also speak about the people who put their lives on the line daily and stop evil, whether they are private citizens or in public service. Let us stop going along with the lies of politicians who seek to foster their careers more than solving social ills. We shall never be free of social turmoil and violence unless we humble ourselves before God in repentance and faith in the only Savior whom God has appointed for us, Jesus Christ. Only His blood can wash away our sin. Only His Word and Spirit can enliven, clarify, and repurpose our lives to godly living. 
As God in the flesh has emphatically said, "Ye must be born again." (John 3:16) "The words that I have spoken unto you shall judge you. " (John 12:48)