Friday, June 24, 2022

Before Overturned, Roe v. Wade Killed More Than All US Wars

In 1973, based on lies and legal deceptions, SCOTUS gave the OK for U.S. women to kill their unborn babies. Forty-nine years of butchery has followed that 1973 Court decision: more than 60 million unborn babies have been killed in these United States of America, though we claim to be a country supports the rights of every citizen. What about the rights of the babies? Sadly, though we lament for fallen soldiers, many times more babies have been killed, in less than 50 years, than all the U.S. soldiers and U.S. civilians in all the warfare engaged in by U.S. troops, in all the wars we've fought domestically or on foreign soil. 
In His Word, the Bible, Almighty God, who created us, speaks of the unborn and that He knows who each one is and what that soul shall become and accomplish in life. 
It is people's lust for pleasure, power, personal convenience, their arrogance and willful ignorance that leads them to think or claim that unborn children are a part of their mothers' bodies. Basic biology and physiology studies clearly demonstrate that each unborn child only interfaces with its mother at the placental barrier, because each child is genetically unique within its own placental life support system, including its own blood system. The placenta and navel cord are part of the child, NOT part of the mother. To say that an unborn child, in the womb, is part of the mother's body is pure ignorance and self-delusion.
In response to SCOTUS's decision to reject the flawed Roe v. Wade case and to return the abortion issue back to each discrete State, the U.S. DOJ, POTUS, and many radicalized ungodly leaders have decried the overturn of Roe v. Wade, because the complainers do not understand biology, the Bible, now do they understand the plain language of our Constitution. Those same complaining leaders foam at the mouth about civil rights for liberals and perverts but they deny the civil rights of anyone who wants to defend the constitutional rights of the unborn. These same leaders have rightly yelled, cried, and agonized over the sinful murders of dozens of people who have been murdered en mass, by bombs, firearms, and motor vehicles, BUT they also have hypocritically publicly demanded a continuation of the unconstitutional murder of millions of unborn U.S. children. With every such protest and demand such leaders flaunt their blatant hypocrisy, their emotionally driven lies, and their unscientific claims. 
Though it is difficult to calm, comfort, or reason with those who insist on living in and by emotionalism, yet, it is time for God-loving and God-fearing people to stand for the unborn, and against anyone who would kill the unborn. 
I thank God for the courage of the SCOTUS majority in their reversal of Roe v Wade. 
May We, the People, finally stop listening to the promiscuous lies of immoral and ungodly leaders, or to unholy ideas. Let us test all things by God's Bible and let us return to God's way of doing things. 

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