Thursday, June 30, 2022

Sex Strikes Instead of Reason, Morality, or Science?

YouTube and other media venues are carrying stories that elements of the U.S. political Left are calling for female sex strikes in response to the recent SCOTUS abortion decision. If sex strikes happen to any great extent and for any great length of time, that could go a long way to reducing the number of abortions in our nation. Salute! 

After all, abstinence before marriage is one of God's basic rules to get a man and woman to learn truly important and lasting things about life and each other, prior to marriage.

The stuff we are supposed to learn about building and sustaining a marriage are primarily NOT about sex. Sex is icing on the marital cake. Sex was designed as a vehicle to have children, and as a binding agent for marriage; for pleasure, yes, but not outside of marriage. Sex was not designed by God for the worldly willful self-indulgent gluttony that we have made sex in our modern society and media. At the general societal level, we've taken the specialness out of sex and made it into a commodity or weapon, by which to try to slake our own lusts or to victimize, monetize, or manipulate others. 

Any time that supporters of an idea have to resort to blackmail, extortion, coercion, and emotionalism, instead of sticking to the scientific or moral questions at hand, the ones who use the non-rational techniques are proving that their own arguments are weak, illogical, and emotional, as evidenced by their posture and manner of presentation. 

We all know who we are, we who need to repent of the ungodly way that we have abused our God-given sexual natures. Let us repent and ask the forgiveness of God's Christ, Jesus, and He shall gladly wash us clean in His holy blood, by faith.

Let us forsake non-marital sex and forsake abortion, that we not bring further condemnation upon ourselves, because of our unholy yearnings and our lack of patience and faith.

Read the Bible's books of Genesis, John, and Romans, as you ask God to help you see things His way

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