Monday, November 7, 2016

Vote With God's Desires & Our Constitution, NOT Just For or Against a Candidate

I make this last plea, before our official Election Day, that we each should stop and ponder what God wants for our Nation.

This election is about far more than what each of us "get" out of the election, or the worldly promises that the candidates are making. This election is about far more than the verbiage of the candidates, or the lusts of the masses. This election has earthly and eternal consequences. 

The decisions that we, the voters, make in this election shall have far more impact on our lives and society than all the candidates thrown together. We, the voters, shall either begin to turn the USA back toward God and our Constitution (away from the self-destructive path that we have trod for over 80 years), OR, the results of our election year decisions shall speed our increasingly rapid decline toward an utterly pagan and selfish society that is dooming itself to repeat the governmental, spiritual, and social failures that have plagued humanity throughout all generations.

This may sound like a hopeless earthly situation, AND IT IS... IF... IF we insist on continuing to selfishly behave contrary to God’s Word, in our rebellion against the things that God loves, and in our fleshly love of the things that God hates. By our votes we shall prove what we love, godly freedom to obey God's Laws or indentured corruption to sin and our sin nature. We shall either begin a return to the Bible-based principles of our U.S. Constitution, or continue to allow the undermining and destruction of our Constitution. 

“We, the People,” of these United States of America, and the several States, hereof, CANNOT blame those in power or politics for our own personal failures to shoulder our individual and collective responsibilities to exercise our wisdom and our power as citizens. This was designed and established to be a government by, for, and of the People, as our Founders so wisely said. AND, it is up to US, the citizen voters, to hold ourselves and those we elect accountable for ALL our actions and ALL their actions.

This election can either begin a moral and political reawakening or we can help drive yet more nails into the coffin of our Nation. The choice is yours, and the choice is mine. Unfortunately, instead of "the People" selecting candidates who are strong positive influences and godly role models, this election has degenerated into forcing us to choose between candidates who may do the least amount of damage to the moral, spiritual, and constitutional fabric of our Nation.

Even in these last few hours before we cast our ballots, we must pray for greater wisdom and courage to reject the convenient, reject the vain, reject the urge to accept free handouts, reject political and social flattery and fear-mongering.

IF we want this Nation to survive and prosper, we must look to God's definition of "success". We must vote for those who look to God and His Word to lead us, to restore that which is good in the eyes of God Almighty, to whom we shall ALL answer for our actions in this election. We need citizens and leaders who emulate the lives of Joseph, Joshua, Deborah, Jael, Daniel & his comrades, and all who have stood in truth against the tyranny of evil.

Please! Do NOT vote for any candidates who have flattered us, lied to us, cheated us, swindled us, or our fellow citizens. Please! Do NOT vote for candidates who support the killing of the unborn, who have defrauded others, dissembled in their legal testimonies, equivocated over moral definitions, or sought to undermine, alter, or deny the language of our Constitution. Please! Do NOT vote for those who have tried to muzzle or to deny freedom to those who love God and His Word. 

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