Thursday, July 9, 2015

Bless God!!! REAL U.S. Civil Rights Movement STILL Alive!

How many of us have really studied the civil rights issues that prompted our American Revolution against England? Have we really understood what motivated our Founding Fathers to move here; to write our august Documents that gave birth to these United States of America; to later give life to the U.S. Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s? As well as reading history books, we need to search the Word of God. Ultimately, it is Truth, biblically speaking, that has motivated all people who have been godly spiritual and moral leaders, especially those souls willing to lay down their means and lives to awaken others around them.

The U.S. Civil Rights Movement is still not over, the momentum of which began long before our Nation was founded. Many people are still actively laying down their means and lives, today, to promote godly living, which is having godly consequences. If you doubt that godly living has anything to do with firearms ownership and use, free speech, freedom of assembly, or any other Human Rights mentioned in our Constitution's Bill of Rights, I strongly suggest that you read your Bible and ask God to show you what He means by civility, rights, and personal responsibility. Even a former U.S. President said, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." (John Adams)

(I'm not being high-minded, or snotty, for I know that I'm responsible for my own weaknesses and that I'm accountable to God and my fellow man, just like anyone else.)

The ongoing, growing interest in promoting the godly pursuit of Human Rights has continued despite many ungodly efforts by private and governmental persons and entities. Ungodly people attack the Foundations on which human rights and godly living are predicated: the Bible and our Constitution. There have been many actions against our biblically and constitutionally mandated natural rights of self-defense, responsible free speech, our right to work, etc. Too many people and officials have thought and/or acted as if the human tendencies toward selfishness and hatred could be governed, or even eliminated, by passing or issuing governmental edicts. 

You and I know that that latter part is nonsense. Only the individual can overcome one's own personal shortcomings, and only by the grace of God. That is why our Founding Documents include statements that tell us that our government is supposed to be by the will of moral people and the grace of God.

Any sane, thinking, godly person knows that no one can stop another person from thinking or feeling hatefully about something, nor can laws stop them from eventually carrying out actions that they are determined to commit. In earthly terms, ONLY the use of deadly physical force is able to completely stop any and all threats of someone's evil intents or plans. Only the death of that person with evil intent completely guarantees that that person shall never fulfill her or his vile intent.

International and domestic events, recently, and over the eons, have demonstrated that hatred and violence are NOT legally controllable acts, but that they are immoral, spiritual acts that cannot be regulated, only responded to once perpetrated. The realistic view is that we must strive to be successful in educating others about how to overcome our base human nature, and we must be willing to punish vile behavior. Short of executing all of humanity, no governmental nor legislative action in the world can actually stop all hate or hateful actions against others. The saying that, "Where there's a will, there's a way", applies to evildoers as much as it does to do-gooders. Personal motivation and responsibility, before God, are the real issue, not the tools which people use to perform their evil works, or their good works.

Let us be clear, all biblically discussed crime is hateful and sinful toward ourselves, God, and our fellow humans. There are no sins or crimes that are not selfish or hateful, i.e. someone or something is always harmed by the evil that we do. Each and every sin is responsible for putting Jesus Christ on the cross. There are no loopholes that might somehow make any given perpetrator any less responsible for the torture and death of Christ, who had to die for ALL sin that we might be set free from sin, through His blood.

In God's eyes, no matter what nation, state, city, or household in which someone sins, sin is still hateful, and hate is still sin. Unrepentant souls may be punished in this life for their sins, if caught by their conscience or man. But, they shall definitely receive their eternal punishment when the unrepentant face the Almighty. The bright side is that God says we can overcome our sin, failures, and weaknesses, through Christ Jesus. Read God's Word and ask Jesus for guidance, to get yourself a Bible education on what it means to have a godly life. Don't let anyone tell you that someone else can do it for you. Godly living has profound positive benefits for us and our society, including helping us stand up to fight against the evils that rise against us.

Every sane citizen knows that all constitutionally-minded citizens do not necessarily see eye-to-eye on every single detail of what or how to make things work in this Nation, yet, Star Parker's CURE is one of many groups that actively engage and report on many aspects of our struggles in the USA, including aborition, firearms ownership and use, responsible free speech, and more. A conservative voice reaching out to educate and promote responsible public dialog among citizens, Star and her organization are helping waken increasing numbers of Americans to our responsibilities before God and our Constitution. Ongoing efforts by Parker, Connecticut Carry, and many other biblically and constitutionally minded activists, show us that there are still many folks willing to take the heat and speak up, reminding us that concern for Human Civil Rights is and must be a daily effort by all of us, to control ourselves, and to live as holy examples and educators for those around us.

We must remember that real Pro-Rights activism is not a one person or one organization endeavor, AND that it needs to incorporate God's Word and wisdom, without which we only accomplish earthly things, in the weakness of earthly wisdom and the weakness of earthly strength. Only that which is ordained and blessed by God shall survive the test of time. To secure His blessing we must be in tune with His Word and His Will. God bless you, as you walk with God in the responsible exercise of all that He has granted to us, including the Bible, the defense of our Constitution, and ALL of its biblically derived Principles.

I copied the following directly from the most recent email from Star Parker at CURE.


Friend --
Alveda King and I marched together across the same bridge that her father, Rev. A.D. King, and her uncle, Martin Luther King, marched across for freedom.
Like me and you, she devotes her life for freedom -- the freedom of the unborn to be alive.
Happy Birthday America!
Your foot-soldier for freedom,

Star Parker

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Center for Urban Renewal and Education
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