Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Is Trump's Bluster Good For USA?

Recently, there have been many emails and internet postings about Donald Trump, some applauding him, some hateful toward him, and some non-committal ones, too. The same has been true in the pop media, but alternate media seem even more polarized about Trump, especially with regard to the nature of his intentions for the USA. Trump keeps saying that he just wants "to make the USA great again", and not just a haven for pan-handlers or special interest groups, but as Star Parker, of the CURE organization, points out, Trump does not seem to have a clear platform on which to run for office. However, though he may shoot off his mouth and he keeps wrestling with his personal business strategy, yet, this author figures that any presidential candidate who can repeatedly recover from bankruptcy must be learning something that might help to make this nation solvent, again.

Maybe Trump's influence, as a prospective president, might be able to turn financial affairs of the USA back within reasonable limits, instead of average citizens having to watch the powers-that-be continually heap burgeoning debt on us and our future generations. The old proverb was not written in vain that spoke of, "the straw that broke the camel's back". In our debt and credit loving society, today, we forget too easily that there is always a payday, always consequences for our actions.

Some authors praise, or are concerned about, Donald Trump. Their praises or concerns may each have some degree of legitimacy, yet, many of those authors' comments seem either too dreamy or too paranoid, as they discuss what they think Trump can or will do once in office. Many seem to ignore the difficulties facing any presidential candidate who wants to effect sweeping prosecutions or changes, especially when that candidate or president is already unpopular with the silent powers that hide behind government.

Maybe, Trump might be good for this nation. I DO know that his thorn-in-the-flesh commentaries have stirred up most of our Nation... and THAT is a GOOD thing! Too long, too many people have been too comfortable about the degradation of our society, our practices, and our principles. At least Trump is needling everyone to wake up and smell the cow manure that is passing for social liberation, progressive politics, and fiscal activity that has next to ZERO accountability. 

From what I've seen develop in the news, over the years, even Trump's worst bankruptcies have been better than the Constitution-undermining and financially disastrous works of all the Liberals, Progressives, or Socialists who have been on the White House throne, dating to before FDR began his three reigns. At least, based on his love for making profit, Trump would try to help the US stop its self-bankrupting, financially hemorrhaging behaviors, and try to help this Nation turn a profit, even as he keeps getting back up out of the financial mire himself. A man who keeps struggling and trying to succeed at life, is not someone to sneer at, especially when it comes to running this Nation. By contrast, Progressive-Liberal-Socialist officials have too long worked on bankrupting our nation and destroying our Constitution and its described way of life. They seem to love to make anyone but themselves pay for the things that they want to do politically or socially.
Contrasting their best efforts against Trump's worst failures entices me to revisit the impact of all their "society saving" legislation that has been passed during Socialistic, Progressive, and Liberal regimes, whether the politicians claimed to be Democrats, Republicans, or something else. Too many "we want to take care of you" officials have sought to void, vacate, or attack our Constitution and its Principles, through the very legislation that they claimed would help everyone. If these last 80+ years of Progressive-Socialistic-Liberal legislation have helped anyone, as they claim, then why do we have proportionately way more government-dependent and poor folks than ever? If the social reform and hand-out programs are so successful, then why are so many honest, hard-working citizens having to work two or three jobs just to make ends meet, and pay their taxes to support the people who don't work for a living? Let's look at some of the grievous “liberal” or “progressive” legislative and administrative infringements that have already stepped on our Natural Liberties (of which our Constitution reminds us). I'm sure that Trump and a lot of conservative candidates would agree with my list.

The following major legislation measures were passed just after or just before official US involvement in WWI, WWII, or during the Viet Nam War era. In all three instances, citizens were distracted by the anticipation or exhaustion of war. And, now, during and after both Gulf Wars and the War in Afghanistan, the same social and spiritual exhaustion of the People has allowed several Presidents, including Obama, to slip garbage legislation past the public. The People let down their constitutional guard and allowed Liberals, Socialists, and Progressives to slip in the knockout punches that forced the listed legislation onto the citizens of the USA. Whether we look 80 years back, or at the present, Trump's comments are in sharp contrast to the government-dependency-minded people who approved and helped push through the following legislation. Let’s look at those invasive and socially debilitating works of Progressive, Liberal, and Socialistic officials:

1. Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat, was Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s (FDR) predecessor. Wilson yearned to have the League of Nations become what the United Nations is today. Wilson approved the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, in 1913, putting an unconstitutional, quasi-governmental choke hold on US money and wealth, attempting to control the real capital wealth of our Nation, which are personal incentive and productivity. The Federal Reserve has brought forth people like Greenspan, who, along with Bill Clinton, invited, and even urged, financial institutions to devise “creative” ways to get unwise citizens to go exceedingly into debt in order to part them from their money, from which came the huge financial bubbles and crashes that rocked our US economy, and which still impact most citizens' incomes and retirements. Despite the government's culpability in those catastrophes, the government further insulted taxpayers by using taxpayer dollars to bail out the mess that the government-approved Federal Reserve had helped initiate. You can bet your booties that not one government official who redirected taxpayer money for the buyouts ever paid one cent out of her/his own pocket to finance what they voted for. Their 'tax and squeeze-the-workers' philosophy is going to backfire on them someday. If they cut out a lot of taxes and reduced mandatory programs, then the employers could afford to pay people more money. There is a great need to eliminate wasteful government overhead, waste that too often is, also, involved in trying to "equitably" redistribute the nation's wealth.

2. Under Woodrow Wilson, in 1913, the States ratified the income tax amendment to our Constitution, and it's easy to follow the bizarre history of the IRS, since then. NO ONE who's paid taxes for any length of time, or listened to the pop news, is ignorant of the abuses of the slithery IRS, especially its abuses under Obama, who has despicably, and illegally, used it to twist the arms of "politically incorrect" citizens and businesses (as did a number of other presidents). In recent years, numerous conservative candidates and businesses have felt the IRS lash of slave-master Obama.

3. The National Firearms Act, 1934, was passed under FDR. under the guise of dealing with organized and gang crime (look at the history of gangs and other organized crime). That 1934 law geared up the national machinery to start stripping US citizens of our inalienable right to arm and defend ourselves via the means of our own choosing. Plus, since the passage of N.Y. State's Sullivan Act, over 100 years ago, there has been a plethora of anti-gun legislation, NONE of which has ‘fixed’ anything about the violence inherent in human nature, nor has any of that anti-gun, anti-rights legislation effected any significant change in violent criminal behavior. Yet, Liberal and Progressive elements of society still find it palatable and easy to target law-abiding citizens, alienating citizens from their constitutional Right to arm and defend themselves, almost as if Liberals and Progressives are working for the gangs and cartels, to disarm the average citizen.

4. The Federal Communication Commission, 1934, passed under FDR, geared up to control what and how people communicate, stepping on our inalienable rights of responsible free speech via the means of our own choice. Yes, there need to be limits and boundaries. Yet, even with the ongoing struggle over what is and isn’t decent material for public broadcasts, the FCC rules regulate citizens as to who can and cannot use things like “ham” or Amateur radio frequencies. Granted structure helps achieve harmonious and efficient use of limited resources, but when government tells citizens that they cannot talk with citizens of other nations, simply because the governments can't see eye to eye, and therefore fail to establish a mutual treaty, well, that is hardly in line with the spirit of our Constitution, or with the development of good interpersonal or international relations. Our citizens' sheepishness and willingness to do what the government says, via the FDA, FCC, IRS, FTC, etc., even causes us to choke on our silence about what we produce to eat, because of "ag-gag" or "whistleblower" legislation that prohibits citizens from reporting unsafe or improper employer activities and products. Where is the social or moral goodness in looking the other way while people are being made sick, victimized, or killed? Our nation took former Nazis to task, post-war, for claiming that they were only doing their war-time jobs. But, U.S. leaders of that same era also dickered with Japanese torturers, allowing them to escape war-crimes trials in exchange for their war-time medical research on prisoners. Ah, how the rich and powerful must applaud themselves over doing as they choose, at the expense of everyone of whom they take advantage. Is not this an inkling into why so many in the media and politics are upset with Trump for calling out the names, weaknesses, and sins of so many in our society? Why are the powerful so upset and afraid of him? It isn't his money that they fear, but the words that issue from his mouth. Don't people realize that every sin shall be openly exposed on Judgment Day? In spite of some of my own disagreements with Mr. McCain, I do think that Trump was a little caustic toward him, but, then, McCain has endured far worse at the hands of real enemies, far worse than the light abrasion that Trump laid on him. McCain can take the heat, and Trump can learn a little humility. By comparison, let's not forget that a lot of people were upset with Harry Truman, his language, and his brusqueness, but, they, also, blessed the day that they had elected him, when he made the tough decision to drop the atomic bombs on Japan and forced an expeditious end to WWII.

5. The Social Security Act, 1935, was, yet, another FDR masterpiece of social engineering, that deluded the public into thinking that the government could and would guarantee people a safe and snug retirement. All the while the government collected their earnings, failed to wisely invest them, expanded the ways in which the money was distributed, and continued to foster the people's increasing dependency on government, thereby undermining self-reliance and personal responsibility among our citizens. Nowhere in our Founding Documents does it even imply that government should be in the business of caring for or managing the mental, spiritual, financial, or physical care of individual citizens. Yet, here we are in 2015 with government sponsored education that insists on teaching the religion of God-less evolution, and insists on being the god-like “cradle to grave” healthcare provider for everyone, whether citizens want such things or not. Not one of these governmental programs or plans is sanctioned by our Constitution, but rather, we see the opposite when we read that august Document, before all the tripe was attached to it. When a family of foxes gets into the hen-house then you know you'll have no chicken soup for dinner. The equal health and equal wealth political-financial socialistic philosophy has brought about mandatory programs that you and I still pay for. The problem is that the promoters' tax and spend practices are enslaving us all, making us slaves to whoever holds the debt that our Nation owes. What happens when those creditors come knocking on the figurative or literal door of our Nation? The politicians will soil themselves in their closets and bunkers, and beg the honest, the principled, and the bold among us to fight for them, yet again.

6. The roots of the United Nations Charter were established in 1941, during FDR’s socialistic reign, and subscribed to by desperate nations that wanted “social security” as they were being attacked by Hitler's forces and the Axis powers, before the US declared open war on Japan and Germany. Despite our land-grant to it, our financial support of it, and our bloodshed on behalf of other nations, the United Nations’ continues to increase its political and practical pressure against us, in efforts to subjugate the USA to the ways of the rest of the world, seeking to drag the USA back into the darkness of the sufferings of the rest of the world, including their lack of self-determination and self-discipline. Though Wilson and FDR, respectively, imagined the League of Nations and United Nations as lamps and helpers of ‘world peace’ or “social security”, the UN has in fact fostered insidious inroads into US politics, and thereby sought and helped to undermine our sovereignty.

7. The social legislation of Lyndon Johnson was solidly socialistic, bringing in Medicare and Medicaid, in 1964-65: Big Daddy will take care of you, healthy or sick, rich or poor, it doesn't matter how you live or have lived, whether you act responsibly or not, government is here to bail you out. In contrast to that socialistic legislation, Johnson's signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 simply agreed, in part, with what our Founding Documents already said about people’s Rights. As a part of Johnson's Civil Rights package, the EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity Act) was just another stab at Socialism and has continued to reinforce and foster governmental dependency for almost two generations. The closest Republican debacle of legislation, that I can think of, is the post-9/11 passage of the hastily ramrodded, anti-freedom, Patriot Act, 2001, under George W. Bush, proving that he was more fearful and Progressive than he was Constitution-minded. First, the Constitution cannot sanction the Patriot Act's infringements against and violations of law-abiding citizens' Rights. Secondly, Conservatives do not quit their Principles for the sake of safety or convenience, because Principles are something that we are supposed to be willing to die for. If we aren't willing to die for them, then they are nothing more than relative or temporary preferences. True Conservatives or people of True Faith leave that kind of practical or spiritual waffling to the rest of society. Under politicians who call themselves Liberal, Progressive, or play at Conservatism, our government has become increasingly invasive, overbearing, and EXCEEDINGLY LESS mindful of our Constitution and Truth.

Where, in all those, above-mentioned, invasive pieces of legislation, do the backers and signatories honor their Oaths of Office, our Constitution, or the concept of “the Rights of the People shall not be infringed”? Where is their love of constitutional accountability and liberty? Where is the “self-determination” of which our Founding Documents speak so simply and eloquently?

Maybe, even if he provides no other service to our Nation, Donald Trump can provoke U.S. citizens and businesses to want to find our way back to our Founding Principles. May Trump's bold and blunt ways continue to be a thorn in our flesh that needles all of us to get involved and busy digging ourselves out this messy financial, moral, and spiritual pit that we all have allowed to trap us. By our refusal to fight against those things that oppress us, we have approved our own indenture, our present servitude and bondage, to sin and to debt, individually and as a Nation. 

The ways of an honest, blunt, and gruff father or leader has often taught practicality, ingenuity, and self-respect, as well as the love and fear of God, to many a person, throughout history. We desperately need honesty, plain talk, and less pandering and legalism. We, also, need to reject the urges to solicit and be taken in by handouts. We must return to a godly willingness to work in support of ourselves and our families. We MUST cut back on the "mandatory" programs that are rapidly bankrupting our Nation, just as we must cut back on any other bad spending habits that bankrupt us individually. Our citizens, and our government at all levels, MUST get back to our constitutional roots, before this Ship of State sinks all the way, under the combined weights of Liberalism, Progressivism, and Socialism. May the provocative nature of Donald Trump, and all like him, help us get back to the honesty, responsibility, and simplicity of government, by which our Founders aspired for us to live. We must bring the government back to accountability of the moral and responsible citizens that we must, again, become.

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