Monday, December 21, 2015

Another Christmas Carol...

Another Christmas Carol
The world, it still goes crazy,
Chasing false and foolish gods:
People love themselves & trinkets,
And they call God’s Bible odd.
All the passions of this world,
Swiftly lead us each astray,
Yet, the Christmas hymns still tell us,
Every care, on Christ, to lay.
God calls all souls unto Him,
In repentance, to return,
To His only Savior, Jesus,
That, His peace, we gain, not spurn.
The one true Gift of Christmas
Eternal, and unchanged,
God’s Lamb has come to save us,
His pure life, for our sin, exchanged.
In Christ, one life, eternal,
Overcomes our filthy sin:
When we accept Him as Savior,
In us, He dwells, within.
By His grace, He will save us,
As He promised each, of old,
In the one great Christmas story,
That refreshes each time it’s told.
The real Christ of Christmas,
Born to save all willing souls,
He, alone, knows all our weakness,
Yet, His salvation grows not cold.
He knew the coming price,
For the true Gift that He gave,
His blood, for sinners, willing,
Salvation’s Babe in manger hay.
Jesus Christ, He came to save us,
Not deceive us with false joy,
As some red-clothed, bearded fantasy,
Deceiving children with promised toys.
God despises all our idols:
Claus & reindeer, arcane arts:
For, by lying to our children,
We blind them to God’s true heart.
False childhood foundations,
Christ-less dreams all break God’s Law,
For God’s pure love & judgment,
Prove false, the modern Claus.
So, from now on, be careful,
Let’s, now, in truth, all say,
And share God’s Christ of Christmas,
Not a worldly Holiday!
For Christ is the reason for Christmas,
And God’s promises are clear,
That in God’s love and purpose,
His Birth & Sacrifice are dear.
Though worldly “political correctness”
Still treads Christ under their feet,
Show your true love of Jesus,
And join us all to greet,
with a hearty, Merry Christmas!
Each one whom we now meet.
 -the above poem is for non-commercial public domain use-

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