Thursday, June 25, 2015

Davey Crockett Learned Constitutional Limits For Congressional Spending

I give you the official story of Davey Crockett and Farmer Bunce: 

Back in his day, Davey Crockett served several terms in Congress, prior to becoming one of the heroes and legends of the Texas Alamo slaughter. During his service in Congress, Crockett had a priceless lesson about what Congress is and is not supposed to be doing with public money. Let's remember that all government money is public money, because it has been taken from our citizens, and from external sources, for the sole and express constitutional service of our citizens.

Crockett's story needs to be read and re-read by politicians all over our Nation, generation after generation. His experience is one of someone with good, honest intents that were wholly misplaced and misdirected by emotion and peer sentiment, to the exclusion of constitutional justification. Even without knowing where every dollar goes in our government, Crockett's story quickly demonstrates that there is a horrendous amount of unconstitutional government spending in modern society. 

Even as when Crockett was warned, when Congress and the rest of our government, at large, fail to meet constitutional standards of scrutiny on their financial appropriations, our Nation quickly succumbs to unconstitutional excess, abuses, and favoritism. The love of money, like the love of power, too easily corrupts and distracts even the most noble among us, who may start off with the purest of intents. 

We have seen, in the last 100 years, and especially these last few decades, that even the Supreme Court of our Land has shied away from the support and defense of our Constitution, having given their blessing on laws that utterly violate and despite our Founding Framework. It should be fully obvious to the reader that fancy robes and a seat in Washington do not give those in authority sound judgment. Similarly, having personal or political urges to do good for others does not give those in government the right, mandate, nor prerogative to go pick someone else's pocket to force other citizens to support anything that our Constitution does not approve.

EVERY person serving in any public office needs to learn Davey Crockett's lesson and apply it to their own public service life and duties.

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