Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Evil Flourishes When Good People Do Nothing

I dedicate the following reference link to all those who have fought and continue to fight to preserve our constitutional rights and help us face and shoulder our moral, spiritual, and constitutional responsibilities, here in the USA, and in defense of human rights around the globe. Since the birth of our nation, there has been a lot of blood, sweat, heartache, and hardship in the labors and suffering of those who have laid down their lives and means to support and defend our Constitution, and the war to preserve our Constitution and Republic continues to this day, being waged person to person, household to household, street to street, town to town, and state to state, across our Nation.

Robert Boatman (1941-2009) spoke very clearly, and at length, about what our Second Amendment means and why it is our social duty, in these United States, to each do our constitutional duty to promote and defend ourselves and each other, instead of waiting for our job to be done by someone else. It may be human nature to tend to neglect our duties, but let there be no mistake, anyone who seeks to undermine or destroy any element of our Bill of Rights is no friend of the Constitution or People of these United States of America. 

For your encouragement and education, I submit to you some of Mr. Boatman's comments, starting with "The Constitutional Right and Social Obligation to Carry a Gun".

The bottom line is the same message since God made this world, that we should do that which is right in God's eyes and not the evils of this world. The Bible uses the word "evil" 613 times, portraying that it is something to be subdued in ourselves, that government is mandated to subdue, and that we are all to resist.

"For evil to flourish, it only requires good men to do nothing." - Simon Rosenthal

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

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