Friday, April 17, 2015

US Veterans Check Your Social Security Account

It was recently brought to my attention that US Veterans, who served on active duty between 1957 THROUGH 1967, should take their DD214 to a Social Security Admin office near them and get their wage earning dates of service entered into their Social Security records. Here is the reason:

The issue appears to be that somehow military FICA wages were supposed to have been reported and credited after 1957, but that those were, evidently, not always properly credited to the accounts of all military personnel. Advise all veterans you know to double-check their DD214 for service dates and to get their DD214 and their service dates correctly recorded by Social Security. This may or may not have a direct monetary affect on one's retirement income from Social Security.


  1. interesting to see when the earnings dates are. thanks!

  2. I'm glad that was helpful for you. Thanks for stopping by and reading the post.
