Monday, January 18, 2016

Obama's Gun Control?? White House Staffer Allegedly Threatens Police Boyfriend

Check the internet, and your local and national news to see where the name Barvetta Singletary pops up most frequently, and where reporter sympathies are placed. Political bulldogs for the Democrats have long made sport of any peccadillo committed by Republicans, and have seemed to particularly enjoyed attacking Conservatives. Let's see how the Democrats deal with this disaster in the heart of their camp. Maybe the White House will suggest taking all firearms away from our military and police, now that a policeman's girlfriend has been accused of threatening him with his own weapon.

In the following web search we see a recent incident committed by a member of President Obama's anti-gun staff, in which that Obama staffer allegedly illegally brandished a firearm, just as violent criminals and insane people do. Barvetta Singletary has been reported as being charged with having threatened deadly force in a situation that did NOT warrant such extreme conduct on her part.

This is SOME mug shot!! 

Keep your eyes on the media to see if she gets convicted for her unlawful and hateful action, or if the courts and pop media let that incident die a quiet death. Obviously, the President has no clue about the character of law-abiding citizens whose character guides them to avoid irresponsible actions, even if someone cheats on them. Without some serious and verifiable evidence to the contrary, that woman’s bruised ego situation did NOT demand deadly threats or deadly force.

That staffer served President Obama and went back and forth between the White House and Congress. With an alleged temper and lack of responsibility, like hers, indulging her emotion driven nature, what kept her from acting like that in the White House or Congress? That is the kind of reasoning that Obama and the anti-gun crowd want to apply to every other citizen who happens to own a firearm!! Her alleged over-reaction to her boyfriend's alleged infidelity points out, yet again, the knee-jerk reactions that seem to be inherent to the anti-gun crowd. The alleged actions of Ms. Singletary shows how poorly the White House has been vetting people, AND their poor judgment of character, YET, Obama and his cronies want us to trust them and their judgment with regard to the refugee, immigrant, and terrorism issues. That woman was a White House-Congress Coordinator and her alleged actions are a simple flip of Obama's gun-hating coin.

WHEN AND IF we allow the anti-firearms folks to strip us of our arms and munitions, then, as you and I know from history, the violent, the insane, the criminals, and the corrupt in government will do anything they desire to the rest of us... just as that woman is alleged to have done to her police officer boyfriend.

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