Monday, February 15, 2016

US Constitution: Amendments 4, 5, & 6

Every day, somewhere in our Nation, there are violations of our Bill of Rights, specifically, Amendments Four, Five, and Six to our Constitution.  We hear cloaked descriptions of these violations in TV and radio news and talk shows. We read about such infringements in newspapers, blogs, and magazines. Yet, we numbly stumble along and allow the powers that be to continually violate our Rights, as they try to force us into submission to their unconstitutional ways of doing things.

Law-abiding citizens NEED to read our Constitution and stand up for what our Constitution says is right and for what is due process of law. Law-abiding citizens NEED to stand up against ALL ABUSES of power. If we fear to act against the ABUSES of evildoers and the powerful, then we have already quit before we engage the conflict that has already been brought to our doorstep and into our homes.

Let us not, therefore, fail to resist and to fight against those who infringe upon anything that our Constitution says is our Right. Our Founders added our Bill of Rights that we might live in freedom and respect towards one another.

Let us not dishonor our Founders. Let us not dishonor our Founding Documents. They went to war to secure this Constitution and these Rights for us. Let us continue to fight to preserve said Constitution and Rights, for that is the constitutional duty of every citizen of these United States of America.

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