Friday, February 5, 2016

Watch Out: Australian Model Gun Control Is Mandatory Confiscation

Virtually everyone knows that the USA is in the midst of a heated election year. I bless God that there are godly candidates who are fighting to support and defend our Constitution and our Rights.

But, there are also opposition candidates who have repeatedly attacked our Rights and our Constitution. That latter group is bent on driving a wedge of panic and ignorance deep into the public psyche of these United States of America. One of that opposition group's favorite propaganda themes is to repeatedly beat the broken and mistuned drum of gun control, rather than addressing the real causes of interpersonal and anti-social violence.

Do NOT be fooled by politicians' and anti-gun groups' fancy words about "Australian gun control". The following link discuses exactly what those terms mean and the implications of that kind of confiscatory governmental action.

We, the law-abiding citizens of these United States of America, have NO REASON to apologize for our God-given Rights or our Constitution. We, the People, have the constitutional obligation to support and defend our Constitution against all enemies and attackers foreign and domestic.

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